She always wanted to love
To be love
And to be loved.
From the depths of her Being.
Not with force.
Not with manipulation.
Not with control.
Not having to compete for it.
Nor having to beg for it.
Not having to bargain for it.
Nor having to lower herself
Nor to make more of herself
But to just be loved
For who and what she is.
So often people would tell her how beautiful she is
But then she did not want to be loved
For her outer beauty but for her INNER beauty,
For her SOUL.
She so prayed for the partner who would finally love her
Not just for sex
Not just for show
Not for any other reason
But that he wished to be with her-
Not to overshadow her
Not to use her for his own agendas
Not for anything else
But because with her
He found a nesting place
A true homecoming
For his heart and soul.
In this lifetime she was wiser
She had hopefully overcome so much
Of what tripped her up in other lifetimes
When she so often, without her consent,
Became a pawn in the games men played,
Where they did not honor the soul in her….
In so many lifetimes when she stood up for what she knew was truth
She paid the highest price for doing so
Yet, she could not have done any other.
In this lifetime that call for the highest truth
Is greater than the sum total of all of her.
She cannot live a lie
Nor can she lie to herself.
She is love.
She knows that she cannot hurt nor harm another
Without harming and hurting herself.
She is wise.
That wisdom has come over many lifetimes,
Even to those where she withdrew
And where she vowed not to return
Until such time as humankind would finally be ready
To have the balance restored
Between the Masculine and Feminine.
Yet she knows that first this has to be deep within herself,
For if she not balanced
She cannot project this balance and radiate it forth.
She is love
And loving does the inner work on herself,
Cleansing and clearing,
Releasing what no longer serves her highest soul growth and good.
She is love.
For she cannot be other than love.
And lovingly,
She serves.
Even if this means walking her path alone.
For in truth she is never lonely
But surrounded by angels, archangels, Ascended Masters
And whole cosmic hierarchy.
She is love.
She is nothing else but love.
And forever Love
Is true to itself.
And if her Beloved
Finally finds the way home to her
He will find the waters of love
Washing over and within him.
For the Power of Love
Is greater than any other force
Yet needs to be steeped in Wisdom
For if one is wise
One will be given the keys and codes
To all of life
Loving and living.
She is love.
(Copyright Applies)
(Judith Kusel)