My own Greatest Medicine is in Creating...
Not really being here at all
and yet fully Present
Being and not Being at the same time...
Creation has it's own Blue print
aligned with each and every one of us...
Taking us into zero point
and than swirling us back out again
ReNewed. ReFined
Again and again...
Continously Evolving...
In these beautiful energies
of the LionsGate (28/7 - 12/8)
where Sirius, Orions belt
and our beautiful Earth
are in full alignment
I feel more and more at Home
in the Presence of my own Heart.
It's a great time to Consciously receive
these beautiful cellular LightCodes
coming in through this strong alignment
with an Open HEART
Preparing us
to become
Universal Citizens of Light...
What a great time to BE A-Life...
With infinite Love,
Golden Eagle Light