In these current collective times, if your predominant consciousness state is LIGHT BODY, it’s currently about increasing your LIGHT BODY’s energetic spin plus your own wave amplification (you will know how to do both).
Consequently as LIGHT BODY, less time and energy can literally be given to OUTER existing ‘human’ modalities witnessed in your illusion. As ENERGETICALLY you are LESS the HUMAN in the physical world, due to your increasing heightening frequency. Energetically (but written in human terms), it would feel like swimming against the tide stream, going against your own unique flow, speed and FOCUS, that is driving you now as LIGHT BODY, connecting to far more Consciousness.
As LIGHT BODY you are receiving copious amounts of Light Data. More than enough for the ‘human’ brain processor to process and interpret when in your human balanced and neutral state of being. And so your own path stage, your focus and your direction is more than enough data, for now. Without dipping into anything OUTSIDE, that is within your holographic illusion. Except for the basics of practical living, necessary whilst having and retaining a human physical particle body.
The more time and energy you give to being LIGHT BODY, the more you become multi-conscious in all movements. Your heightened consciousness and your LIGHT BODY both being outside of the physical body, you are walking lighter (meaning less gravity). Your human, being totally in alignment to your consciousness. Whislt using the solid particle physical body, that streams your service (to God). A physical body that is INSIDE of what you truly are.
So just to repeat, if your state is predominantly LIGHT BODY, the emphasis right NOW in this collective timeline is to increase the energetic spin AND wave amplification of Light Body.
PS: for others, I will do a general ‘Mandy type’ video explaining the Light Body when I can. 

Gratitude to the Artist