A call to balance with love, peace and unity.
Aluna Joy Yaxk'inJune 3, 2020
Aluna Joy Yaxk'in - www.AlunaJoy.com - Ⓒ 1995-2020
A call to balance with love, peace and unity.
Aluna Joy Yaxk'inJune 3, 2020
Aluna Joy Yaxk'in - www.AlunaJoy.com - Ⓒ 1995-2020

I think the longer that I am not able to get my stone circle or ley line fix, this sacred site junkie finds her another way to get the work done. I am assuming you (who read this now), have also found creative ways to get your work done while we are in isolation. But, I have to admit, I didn't go down without a short-lived, pity party. I am really missing my circle and ley line season this year. (Sending my heart to the magical Celtic/Druid lands and all who I know and love there. I am there in spirit.) So last night I violated my quarantine and dreamed myself into a powerful sacred stone circle. I had a very lucid dream of the energy in the Rainbow Serpent Ley Line. Again I was group dreaming. We were in a fairly large group and had traveled to a stone circle. Many who were there, I knew. Like our pal Marcus, my sweetheart Raphael, and a surprise one, Stewart (who I have not met yet). Many others from past groups were there, who I can't remember now, and a couple of dozen others that I had just met in the dream. The stone circle was not a visually grand one, but, oh, it was incredibly powerful. I know that I have been there before, or at least I have meditated on this circle. But it reminded me of Merrivale/Mary Maidens or the Hurlers, maybe Boscawen-Un or the Rollright Stones. Our group circled up, and as we all tuned in, my body began to wave back and forth. (By the way, our dear shaman friend, Julio Tut, in Guatemala explained to us why this happens. He says that when you connect with the Earth, and allow yourself to become one with the Earth, you will gently sway back-and-forth. It is a sign that you have made the connection.) As I connected deeper into the energy in the circle, the sway developed into radical swing like the wobble of a gyroscope. The energy was pulsing in such a chaotic, crazy manner that I had to sit down. (I must have been moving in my bed, because I woke myself and my dogs up with a jerk. I then went right back into the dream.) I felt rather silly not being able to control myself, and a few of us had a good giggle. Then we tuned into why the energy was so strong. We came up with a few theories. First, the sites have been nearly empty for months, and maybe this is a good thing. Maybe sacred sites need to reboot without any human intervention or visitations. Interestingly, in the dream, we all knew that we were there in a dream state! We thought maybe that the energy was too intense on these power nodes for humanity right now, in addition to what we are already processing. Our last group, that was over the last equinox dates, saw the beginning of this huge uptick of NEW energy on the last day when we were in Palenque, Mexico. The Equinoxes have been incredibly powerful last two years. So, we know the energy pulsing through the ley lines had been rising up radically with new creation energies, new templates/blue prints and new laws of nature. This energy is pulsing throughout all the sacred sites on the two major ley lines (The Rainbow Serpent Ley Line and the Plumed Serpent Ley Line) , and all this energy eventually flows through the whole matrix of energy lines around the Earth. This new energy, rushing forth across the Earth, is creating a huge upheaval in the old paradigm, in the old Earth template, and in all outdated forms of collective consciousness. It feels like pandemonium out there doesn't it? Well it is supposed to! This is the shift of the ages that we have been asking for.
We appreciate your Heart Donations ... especially during these times.
https://www.alunajoy.com/heartdonation.html In the dream, after our group felt and processed the rising energy, we were called to do a very simple ceremony. We filled ourselves with all the love we could muster, and we let it flow down through our bodies into the Earth and into the Earth grids. We knew this was going to flow all over the planet. We knew we were not the only ones doing this. So, when we were done, what did the group want to do next? Well, since our group was mostly women (goddesses), they wanted to shop. Yep ... this was in my dream. So we went into this unusual, little shop. I was watching over the shoulder of some of my group members to see what they were shopping for. They were all kind of giggling and saying that they were shopping for their crowns. I saw many types of crowns. Some were sparkly, and others were earthy. I was drawn to one that looked like it was made from a leather-like material. I felt that these crowns were representing our future ... and then I woke up. Do you know what Corona means in Spanish? Corona means Crown! In this crazy time, are we being crowned, like a symbol of recognition, a type of cosmic graduation, an acknowledgment of our passage through this seemingly black hole in the cosmos? I think so! And there are other amazing references for the word "Corona". A corona can be a cosmic colored circle often seen close around to a luminous body such as the sun, moon or a circle of light made by the convergence of the streamers of the aurora borealis. Our sun has a corona. While most of the world is reacting to "Corona" in a negative light, could it be exactly the opposite of what is happening? It is the return to the light? And what really excites me this morning is when I hear our young people rebranding negative terms in our society into positive ones. They are flooding social media with positive re-definitions that literally wipe out the negative connotations from the collective narrative. This is the beginning of the rising up and redefining of our world! ❤A CALL TO BALANCE WITH LOVE, PEACE AND UNITY ... We are being called to invite you to join in with us remotely to anchor love into the Earth each and every time you feel the inner call to do so, for the entire crazy month on June. Do just as your heart and spirit calls you to do, as you create or offer up ceremony. Make it a daily habit. Be kind to everyone. Love everyone. Help with each wave of change that is coming in any way you can, or support those who are on the ground with their love, peace and unity boots on! And THANK YOU for all YOU do. We are so happy as we starting to feel great forces of light beginning to anchor some very solid foundations in spite of incredible effort to the contrary. We hope you have a blessed full MOON! Blessings ~ Aluna Joy Yaxk'in 2020 Ⓒ www.AlunaJoy.com |