maandag 10 december 2018

Your Open Heart IS Your Personal Portal to Higher Dimensional Realities. ~ Tiffany Stiles

Your Open Heart IS Your Personal Portal to Higher Dimensional Realities.

When you close your heart due to pain, trauma, guilt, shame, or being hurt, you are feeling from ego, not your heart. These are lower vibrational frequencies that carry the vibration of disease and separation. You are feeling detachment from feeling attached, and attaching love to someone vs. loving without attachment, freely and without expectations.. without limitations being placed on why love is given and why it is not. In this state you are blocked!

You are blocking your Light Body Ascension. You are blocking your personal portal of abundance. You are blocking your ability to transmute. You are blocking your super abilities from coming back online.

Right now... LET IT GO! Forgive yourself, forgive others and move forward! This is the only way. By holding this resistance, things are much more difficult to process as the energies that are trying to move through you get blocked! Blocked in an energetic chakra where these lower vibrational feelings=frequencies are held.

You see, all is done and accomplished here through your open heart. 💗 There is no way around it! You must FEEL to HEAL! The energies are so strong, that anything you are holding resistance to is pushed to the surface and is in your face to deal with! The more you fight it, the more difficult your journey.

When you close your heart you are blocking yourself, nobody else. You are subscribing to old programs and patterns which will continue to play out in your reality based on fear...fear of love, fear of being hurt, fear of rejection, fear of vulnerability, fear of not being accepted. Fear of not being loved back. All of these patterns will continue to present in your reality, in the form of people you attract, to show you that YOU are creating your reality. You need to love yourself first, before others are attracted into your field who will love you too. It is time to surrender...

But let me tell you something beautiful one. You are loveable and yes, you do deserve love! The most brilliant, Earth moving, passionate love. But only you can open this door by loving yourself first.
When you begin to fully embrace and love yourself, your heart begins to softly open. A whole new rewiring takes place within that automatically allows your vibrational frequency to elevate in love for you, all of you. Your light, your dark, balances in your Divine Masculine and your Divine Feminine. Your feminine nurtures and grows, as your masculine accomplishes what needs to be done. Always walking in balance throughout your day while emitting this high vibrational frequency of love.

In this, you are anchoring a new perception, a new pattern, a new timeline, a new reality for yourself. And in this... like attracts like. You cannot help but to attract a loving, kind, compassionate partner into your life because you have learned to fully love and embrace yourself! And when this purest form of love combines two, it is then x1000, as your electromagnetic field is multiplied to reach out into the cosmos, and anchor into the New Earth crystalline grid.

It all begins with you beautiful one. Open your heart and let your love flow inward and then outward, then see what new realities you create and manifest for yourself!

Much love,
Tiffany 💗🌀💗