maandag 10 december 2018

Energy Update 7 dec 2018 ~ Tiffany Stiles

We went through a bit of a reboot earlier today about 4 hours ago, which knocked us offline for a bit! As alpha and theta waves rolled in a shift in alignment occurred through gamma and delta. You may have actually felt a shift within your inner meridian to higher heart to third eye realignment.

Through third eye I saw it glitched offline, rebooted, back online in 1 minute linear. Inner meridian realignment to crystalline grid- online connected through Higher Heart/Higher Self through 8-12 chakras/harmonics connected to 8-12 dimensions.

New perceptions come into view now as this was a deep cellular cleanse/reboot on a subatomic particle level! P O W E R F U L!! Afterwards sleep...for hours to integrate. 

This was the first time in a LONG TIME I needed a nap! So these are NEW integrations taking place upgrading your DNA! 

Running Quantum now, don't be surprised if you're up all night if you resonate with this shift. If so, no worries, you will not be tired tomorrow if you took the time today to rest and integrate. The energy now is AHHHMAZING!

All is back online now energizing with 8-12D harmonic frequencies. That was a powerful reboot! Whoo! Higher we go now! Lots of water! Hydrate!!

Much love,
Tiffany Stiles

PS.. We still have high star particles blowing in, photonic light emissions, and powerful solar winds amping up geomagetics! Blue Ray, Golden Ray, Silver Ray, Rainbow frequencies converting to visual geometric shapes for higher key codes. 144,000 reveling now! 💗 ⚛️