zaterdag 11 maart 2023

WAYSHOWERS: Amanda Lorence

As explained in December 2022 and January update, there is always an upward energetic momentum heading towards Spring Equinox. Bare in mind ENERGIES are in and around you, as well as INCOMING from the Sun, and Cosmos, in EVERY SINGLE moment. In truth YOU ARE ENERGY, you are Consciousness experiencing a physical body.

19 March - A particular, perhaps unexpected yet beautiful ENERGETIC shall present.
20-21 March - A different set of ENERGETICS shall be INCOMING.
22 March - Another DIFFERENT energetic shall be INCOMING. Best described as Galactic Energy.
23 March - Again, another VERY DIFFERENT energetic shall be INCOMING.

LIGHT weaves into PATTERNS. Creating LIGHT LAYERS that have EFFECT. The energy frequencies being constantly higher and higher within these Light Patterns as we go.

Why highlight these dates? Because these dates kick start an upward momentum of HIGHER FREQUENCIES than any other previous year’s Spring Equinox. Each of these dates brings in a different LIGHT LAYER that has an AFFECT of its own, on everyone and everything. 19 March being the starter point of the surge that will arrive day after day, PERMEATING and WEAVING within and around you, in EVERYONE…creating EFFECT:

Expect changes to your life experience. How people cope AND react to individual change that affects their life is unique. Many people feel uncertain with change. Others embrace change. Yet I point to the bigger picture and evolution, beyond human personality, the ultimate design of SOURCE GOD. Change shall be upon us as God subtlety weaves It’s LIGHT, clearing pathways for timelines AHEAD.

Whilst many will be focused on these MARCH dates, and I will be FEELING into them too each day they present in order to understand them energetically, MY eye and excitement is actually on the LAST 2 WEEKS of APRIL.

What I’m trying to support with, is that as we build our own energy, as pathways become cleared, as changes APPEAR to take place within our lives, during the 4-5 WEEK PERIOD beginning 19 March, it is ALL(!) ALREADY PRE-DESIGNED. It’s change designed at the bigger picture level of design, BECAUSE of the ENERGIES and degrees of TRANSFORMATION possible within the last 2 weeks of APRIL.

How people experience transformation is unique. Our own transformations are a step by step process. Each of us experience individually. Each SOUL mission is unique. We have our own unique CREATION. Within our OWN unique timeline, that is part of the Universal Timeline. That is further part of God’s Creation. PRE-DESIGNED. We are here within this experience for different reasons. We are a multi-dimensional HUMANITY.

I have mentioned years ago, yet it is ALREADY happening and evident…NOW.
That if we fast forward into a VERY CLEARLY SEEN and NEWLY EVOLVED humanity, there are TWO types of EVOLVED human experiences:

1] One is evolved into the frequency of LOVE and HARMONY (5d). This is a grounded Being that lives within their OWN ENERGETIC FIELD, at one, in peace, acceptance with the diversity of all others around them. Each operating from their own energetic field. Creative, active doers in the world, building the CHANGES in the world. They live only the ‘laws’ they abide by within their own energetic field. No outside controlling rules or controlling laws. Filled with integrity. Heart based beings. So amazingly brilliant at what they do for the world. In service to ALL.

2] The SECOND type of evolved human has their physical body IN the solid world, yet their world is VIBRATIONAL based. They live vibration in EVERY moment. Interact with ENERGY. Work with ENERGY. Have energetic abilities. Their world is vibration BASED. Energy Masters. They therefore are less ‘in the world’ yet participate in LOVE and GRACE with the world. These beings are attuned to, and work with the COSMIC VIBRATION. Another (more historical) name/label for COSMIC VIBRATION, would be ‘The Holy Spirit’. They are one with the Holy Spirit.

It is these TWO types of evolved Human Beings that SHALL work together in harmony, ALL AS ONE, yet have distinct energetics, purposes and contributions. Working together. The subtlety IS, that these two evolved human types are too a small degree already active. And many more shall come. Yet we are in a multi-dimensional experience, that is based on frequency of Consciousness. To point to scripture that is so familiar for many to relate to: For those that have eyes to see, let them see. For those that have ears to hear, let them hear. The energies of the past two years HAVE created an INCREASED sensitivity within ALL HUMANS. This shall keep increasing. Fast forward in linear time, and so so many shall see and hear, and play…laughing in wonder and amazement at the experience we came out of. How did we ever forget??? We were told we WOULD forget, until our own time of remembering WHY we REALLY came.

And so, to be in kindness, compassion and understanding for all beings as we go, for many chose the last hour. Yet that ‘hour’ is not a linear hour.

With love and support as we go,
Amanda Lorence
11 March 2023