woensdag 29 maart 2023

REMEMBER ~ Ramona Lappin


WE ARE DREAMING, and now WE FULLY RE-MEMBER & IGNITE THE ONLY ONE TRUE REALITY & SELF there ever was! In no-time whatsoever! Go deep within to BEcome THE MASTER OF THE DREAM! OUR TIME out of time IS NOW! RISE, COSMIC DRAGONS RISE!! REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE! Dreamwalkers.. Dreamweavers.. Dreamkeepers..

The GUARDIANS OF ALL NEW FREE WORLDS!! The Maji Grail Queen's & King's! The Original Tribes, Twinflames, Cosmic Founder Rays/ Races, Council's & CREATORs! The Visionaries, Wayshowers, Lightbeacons, Healers, Sages, Oracles & CO-CREATORS OF OUR NEW HEAVEN UPON THE EARTH! As we REMEMBER THE ONLY REAL TRUTH there ever was, that arises from within and cannot be questioned, ALL BECOMES CRYSTAL CLEAR NOW! As WE FULLY AWAKEN FROM THE DREAM OF FORGETFULNESS, CONFUSION & SEPARATION! THE ONE TRUE DIAMOND AVATAR & OUR NEW ASCENSION EARTH REALITIES ARE BE-ING RE-MEMBERED & PROJECTED OUT INTO THE HOLOGRAM again! With it our Garden of Eden & Paradise awakens, stirs and whispers it's ancient future memories, wisdom and gnosis from deep inside of OUR SACRED CRYSTAL HEARTs, fully opening and igniting it's sacred secrets, DISCLOSING & UNVEILING ALL!! Eternal Love, Ramona