Now, through April 1st, we have very similar energies incoming.
Solar Winds are rising and will continue to rise throughout the day.
But the really big news is the Solar Flares.
We have two sun spot regions that are very active.
There's a possibility for higher M Class Flares, much like the M5 we received overnight.
Now, we may even see an X Class Solar Flare release off the sun.
With all these different energies rising up, expect to feel them within your system.
All of these energies are working in tandem now to bring in the highest and best for all ascending.
I know it can feel overwhelming at times, all these energies over and over.
Just know that as you begin to rise up in your energy, all these energies will begin to feel blissful.
You actually become more comfortable in the higher vibrational energies than when they are lower.
Less ascension symptoms, more understandings and knowings.
You truly begin to walk in YOUR light.
It's all about YOU!
Everything you need is within you.
Now you're understanding that on a whole new level.
Much love and light,
-SA Smith