zondag 26 maart 2023

The Control Matrix... Teri Wade

The Control Matrix...
Everyday we see the mainstream media bombard the human race with propaganda as their fear based tactics try to manipulate our emotions, actions and behaviors to ultimately become more machine-like, programmed and predictable. On a daily basis MSM continuously turns out fear-based propaganda highlighting the ever worsening chaos of our world. The combination is a brilliant trap of agreement that serves the powers that be/were and they're interdimensional overlords very well.

They want us unconscious because the more conscious we get the more questions we ask. This dark agenda believes that an unconscious civilization will ultimately be eliminated. Hmmm?
They want to lock humanity in a frequency prison and redirect humanity's free will into an end game that will result in our destruction. It's been nothing but one long con game.

This agenda has an ultimate goal of anchoring humanity's frequency to remain in a 3D survival mindset. We live in a reality of engineered events there is nothing random in our reality. They want us dumbed down, ignorant, scared etc. where we are at our most vulnerable. They know exactly what they're doing. They create the right frequency to create a hive mind following and the need for authority. This is nothing but the illusionary search for outside solutions, leaders but more importantly to keep us from our inner guidance. Our inner guidance is our ultimate authority that only has our best interest in mind.

The continuing belief in government and authority is the most basic set up of this control Matrix. Basically, we have been controlled our entire existence by a secret global government with an agenda who want total control of our lives. Many are waking up to this and many have yet to realize that there is so much more outside of where they exist. These people I call resistors and they have bought into this fear campaign. Like I've said many times they are comfortable in their chains. These resistors are irrelevant in our progression. We who are awakened will lead us to our ultimate goal of personal freedom completely away from the control system of authority. We The People!

Humanity has been deprived of knowledge through frequency control by the true architects of this Matrix. I know this is not new to many of you but as you can currently see it's being revealed at an accelerated rate. Which is the true meaning of Apocalypse. This negative alien agenda in essence is stalking our species. The aim of stalking is to create a completely artificial environment by making our actions predictable through programming. Again, everything that has happened in our existence has been programmed by events and we have followed and obeyed like sheep to slaughter up until now.

There is a secret government and there is the off-worlders who are ultimately calling the shots. Also, as awakened as you are most of these off-world secret superiors are just that secret who's names are unrecognizable by anyone no matter the subject. Remember, all these organization's like the UN, Red Cross, Trilateral commission, WHO I could go on and on are just outer circles of this off-world control Matrix.

Remember, Satan can appear and most often as an angel of Light... Deception is his name...