vrijdag 10 maart 2023

Lyrian & Feline

Lyrian & Feline: These beings from the Lyra constellation can be found depicted in the artwork of Earth’s ancient civilizations, most notably Egypt, with its feline-headed gods and goddesses.
These beings are psychic and telepathic and tend to develop spiritual skills rather than ones that feed or benefit their physical realities.
They live mostly in the higher dimensions, seeking light, clarity, and abundance through connections with the eternal consciousness.
The Felines bring grace to humanity and hope to inspire creativity in all of Earth’s living beings.
you are part of a sect of Lyrians that relocated and settled in the Andromeda galaxy.
Though you will always be part of your Lyrian
collective, those who relocated to Andromeda have evolved in a much different way than the Lyrians who relocated to other star systems
outside the Andromeda galaxy.
Your natural state as an Andromeda Lyrian is of a crystalline being.
You may struggle with the solidity of the human avatar form, causing you to feel trapped inside your own body at times.
Your natural vibration is similar to that of Angel-seed’.
you are here to safeguard humanity against the shadow energies.
They have created a destructive narrative that threatens the prop evolution of the human soul.
A demon and an angel are the same thing and possess equal power, they just exist at opposite ends of the vibrational spectrum.
You are the angelic balance against the demonic force in the earth plane.
There are demon-seeds just as there areel-seeds; the earth plane is a free will zone as you know.
This is why you are so passionate to expose and change the injustices of the world You are an angelic renegade.
It is your destiny to preserve the sacredness of humanity.
You have a special connection to crystals and energy healing.
You should always surround yourself with crystals and get a deep reiki healing every time you receive a new activation.
You are a person who vibrates at the correct frequency to properly connect with the crystals and become a conduit to transfer their energy into others.
Your vibration also allows you to fully connect to the angelic realm.
You may be able to see auras, and every single one of you are a master energy healer and master alchemist Crystals are magical for you, activate you empower you and heal you.