woensdag 22 maart 2023

Hi, Divine Starseeds ~ Natoya Hall

Hi, Divine Starseeds
How is your integration going?! You can feel that the pulse/frequency has shifted and while many of us are still feeling the intensity of the "turnover" that has happened energetically, many are also feeling hopeful, releasing old shit and feeling a sense of renewal; Ase.
I spoke about this in-depth at the Equinox Ceremony and I'll briefly mention it here; prepare for your new divine instructions... This is the pop-off season where the momentum of 2023 BEGINS!! If you are seeing it in your reality; it is shifting and awakening within you first. Many codes of light are being turned on within your body and within your consciousness.

You are being moved to act, feel and show up differently in your life because you have graduated from a former self-expressed way of being; this is HUGE. I talked about the higher chakras and that as they open more and more they will bring in the Spiral Coded Light of God down from the God-Head and awaken a completely new era of existing here on Earth; it has already begun. Your Higher Chakras bring down a new way of being embodied so be prepared for drastic "magical" changes in your reality; this completely changes your vision of what is "reality" but also of what is POSSIBLE when we dare to see past the illusions. We are creating at speeds of light right now and many of you are remembering your sacred decree of lifetimes passed. If you want to see these new templates, tap into your higher chakras; the codes are there.

For those that came to the Equinox Ceremony, you are probably feeling ALL the feels right now and are exhausted. REST and be at ease as the activation is still working through your body at exceptional speeds. You may feel raw and vulnerable. Some are emailing me and are saying that they are speaking
light language or feel the energy shift in their bodies!

If you want to see the PowerPoint and video, I will share the link to Equinox Ceremony which was AMAZING.

You may be feeling a bit off or SUPER emotional right now; this is completely normal as you transition energies/timelines. The Nervous System has been adjusting so take it easy with yourself. Buzzing, vibrations in the body will only increase; you are singing a new tonal frequency right now. Give yourself grace and patience and know that all is well and that everything is happening in divine alignment. I also mentioned the loops that are being dismantled right now.

You may be seeing loops of the '70s, 80's and 90's right now and this may bring up childhood trauma, issues, and old behaviours that are finally being healed and put to bed. When this happens your cellular memory is clearing and rewriting; it is hella stressful and traumatic for some but this is great news for your healing journey, for you to be at that level of healing means you are on the precipice of great change. You may see these loops in the fashions that are out right now as well.

Some Ascension Symptoms are dizziness, nausea, melancholy, sadness, anger, rage, annoyance, happiness and joy as well! Some may be experiencing stomach issues, headaches, blurry vision, and null and void energy. Extreme thirst and hunger or lack of appetite. Many issues with parents. Many are being asked to work with their Ancestors for assistance and healing. Some of you may feel enlightened, renewed, and have a new sense of self, and many of your voices may change frequency range. Many issues with the bones/marrow/skeletal system. Issues with eyes, nerves, anxiety etc.

It is a time of new beginnings! What are your intentions for this year? Write them down and be in Ceremony with them.

I wish you a blessed Nu Cycle!