vrijdag 10 maart 2023

As we allow the energies to flow through us they are purging toxins out of our bodies ~ Mary Long

As we allow the energies to flow through us they are purging toxins out of our bodies.
You can tell when you sweat a lot even on a cold day, or feel overheated at times, or get chilled to the bone and what is really weird is I can smell the toxins now and at times that can be overwhelming to my senses. Even funny metal tastes in my mouth, or even from my body. We breath in a lot of stuff from our air that is full of toxins.

The Cosmic Energies are working with us, helping us evolve and clear our bodies as we continue this transformation into our Crystalline Light Bodies.

Take Moments in Silence and listen to the sounds coming into your Ears, some are frequencies, some sound like crickets and I have this constant flow of rhythm that comes in and flows all through my body. This rhythm I feel is coming from Mother Earth, I can tell by the tender subtle tingles flowing all through me.

It is quite wild to feel it, even on the drive home I could actually feel the music I was playing within my body, so I turned it up louder. It was the most awesome feeling ever, reminded me when I use to meditate with the ommmm, ommmmm I could feel that all through this body.
There is a Sound for every Chakra, and you can actually feel it in the area where that chakra is and it is very healing, I have shared a video if you would like to try it out.
here is the video: https://youtu.be/F8kwc1lkiAQ

These energies have me going deeper into Self, being more mindful of what I do every day and making sure I take care of myself as well.
We are still in the Full Moon Energies and On Monday we will begin to feel the Spring Equinox Gateway opening. I know some are thinking will this ever end, nope the energies will get stronger so we can evolve.

Our Circuitry feels like it is being completely rewired, like we are getting a body tune up as well. Some may have aches and pains and the best thing to do is not attach to it, flow with it best you can. Honestly, I have to force myself to do things sometimes, but I can feel every particle in this body moving, recalibrating and it is a Divine Feeling when you know why.
Stay in the Flow Loves, I know how you feel, I feel you and I know you feel me and some days these energies will put us to bed and that is ok. We need to rest as much as we can because these energies will not let up.

Everything is shifting Loves and some of us will not make it physically and will eventually choose to step out of the body and become Spirit again.

There is nothing Wrong with talking about your fears so you can overcome them, but if we feed them we become so overwhelmed we find ourselves sliding back. I have done this myself several times. Just another reminder of there is more to heal and let go of.

What I share here with you, I also share for myself because I am not a Master at this, some may think they are, but you really Never Master anything but your own Self and that can be an infinite Journey, it all depends on your Spirit as to where it wants to be.

The Mind can be easily manipulated but I can feel that many of you are no longer allowing this, you are operating mindfully and with love and joy in your Hearts.
I am just rambling here, you all have a Great Evening. There is so much coming into us right now it is vital we rest our minds and enter our heart space for tranquility and rest.

Have Beautiful Dreams Loves