vrijdag 25 februari 2022

Energy Update ~ Mary Long

We got to let the Darkness play out loves, as the light of the universe continues to restore our consciousness there will be big waves of conflict.

The more the Darkness comes to Light, the more they will fight it. Darkness wants to be in control, it does not want to come into balance.

All that is occurring is nothing more than our own fears coming to the surface to be seen outside of us. This collective of energy must be shown so we can purge it all out of us.

It may even seem to become worse, but it is up to humanity, all of us really, it is our choice to either continue feeding the fire of deception or put is out with our Light.

Personally, I know how hard it is to let go and just be in the flow of it all. This doesn't mean you don't have to get loud once in a while, our words can be herd with Love from our Hearts.

No matter what occurs in our outer appearances we all have the power to shift it, we truly are immortal beings, that part of us is beginning to be felt within us and if we really put our intentions toward Peace and Unity that is truly what we are creating. Doesn't matter what we see outside of us, this is what millions of us are working towards.

Millions of Souls joined together in Unity are forging the energies of Love into the ionosphere of this planet we can literally change the outer appearances and affect billions of others. It may not seem as if we are a first, sometimes it takes a while for it all to shift but it eventually does. Many of us Know this and have practiced it for years.

Our Infinite Love is being felt by the masses, yet so is the darkness. It is like we are fighting a war within ourselves, like tugging on a rope in-between the Darkness and the Light. Yet we all have the power to bring it all into balance.

Be still Loves, know that the Love we share is the most powerful force on the Planet as well as within the Universe.

We are rippling waves of Light, blanketing this planet with our pure intentions of Infinite Love.