donderdag 24 februari 2022

Energy Update ~ Mary Long

This morning was a trip, I could not function fully. Felt like I was on another World trying to ground to this one, weird feeling.

Finally feeling more grounded this afternoon, I went out and played in the snow for a bit, it was really coming down couldn't even see across the field, I love it.

The purifying snow covered the ground very quickly it was mesmerizing to watch, like looking into a giant snow globe, grateful I stayed home today.

What I was feeling this morning was like I was awakening from a dream; this has been ongoing since the 20th of this Month. Even working yesterday felt like I was in another world, had a hard time staying focused on what I was doing I just kept drifting off in my consciousness where it seemed as if I wasn't here at all.

Some of these feelings we may be encountering are old programs surfacing once again for a final purge, making sure we have let it all go, it is the only way to move into the higher frequencies.

In order to bring all our multidimensional selves into the one is to create a New way of being and to make this our daily lives rather than allow ourselves to continue jumping back and forth as some timelines continue to collapse and others are being created.

We must all come to the awareness that we no longer need to connect to our higher selves, we are our higher selves.

It is vital we continue deprogramming ourselves from feeling we are separate from everything. This has been the hardest part for Humanity because this is what we have all been taught to do and it has been a part of life here on this planet for eons, which in turn has brought all our attention to our Spirits because we have always known something isn't right.

Take this very moment to close your eyes and go within yourselves and allow your Spirit to be in control, for it is within this space we begin to remember how connected we are to everything else.
Most of our outer reality is nothing more than our own creation, just as I have asked for snow to purify this space here and it has been coming in abundance. It will continue to snow off and on here until I feel my space has been completely cleared and cleansed. As the Snow cleanses the Earth, I feel this cleansing within myself, and this is why I feel my consciousness is empty of thoughts in which I cannot express in words.

All we require to do for ourselves is to flow with this evolution and cultivate a much deeper awareness beyond these forms we are living in, to allow ourselves to go deeper into those unknown parts of us.
Spirit is thriving within us, wanting us to open the doors to our inner most yearnings so we can create them as we tune in to these Vibrant energies of light being presented to us from the Great Central Source of all Creation.

It is time to come completely out of our shells, not peeking out from under it but remove it so we can soar as our Spirits Guide us to the true essence of who we are, to observe our surroundings and bring them inward and bring it all into One.
This cannot be done with the thinking mind; we must be completely empty of thoughts and trust what we Feel. Our Hearts know the right way and we must trust it fully.

The Love we Feel is forever ours and nothing can disturb this presence of Peaceful Love without our permission.
So it is that this timeline be cleansed of all its troubles of the mind and open up a space within us that can only guide us to more of that in which we are.

All that we are and all that we ever have been is Love