There’s no doubt we’re going through a major stepping stone in the ascension progress right now. This summer it will be intense, it already begun in May, and the intensity will continue until Mid-September. This July all awakened lightworkers go through major light activations. Here’s what the angels say about it:
July 2020 energy report
“The time that you go through now is unlike any other. We are very ecstatic to watch you navigate through it. The density of the 3D world ceases slowly as you gradually raise and lift in frequency you re-arrange beliefs, perceptions, past experiences that were of denser energy. This happens automatically, as you sleep, and as you go about your day. Yes you might feel the denser energies that are clearing but that doesn’t mean that you are them; that you are linked with them. You just observe them as they suffice, as they clear and move away.
July is a stepping stone between who you were before in 3D consciousness and the 5D self that emerges. You will continue to lift, and clear and go through transformations. At times those shifts might seem frightening, overwhelming. Other times you will feel you have achieved breakthroughs, greater inner connection, universal alignment, peace. All those will accompany you through July making it a month with varying levels of energy.