zaterdag 10 augustus 2019

Under the Lionsgate Portal of 2019, we are going to BE able to tap in and see that we live in everything and everyone ~ Pars Kutay

 Afbeelding kan het volgende bevatten: buiten

Under the Lionsgate Portal of 2019, we are going to BE able to tap in and see that we live in everything and everyone. Even though we appear to be independent BEings in our own individual bodies, WE are All Connected.

Every action creates a ripple. Every thought goes out into the Universe and helps to create all of life.

We are all in this together. We are all co-creating together. I AM you and YOU are me. We are all really just each other, expressing ourSelves a million times over in different bodies, in the trees, in the stars, and in the rivers.

You can read these words but they won’t really make sense unless you feel them too. These words are ones that need to BE felt with the Heart.

See if you can feel with your Heart, Not just these words, but all things that greet you through the opening of the Lionsgate Portal.

While you have read all the energies you can expect under the Lionsgate Portal, the real journey and the real experience is up to you. The opening of the Lionsgate Portal is a Mystical and Magical time and one that you have to journey through from the Heart, NOT the mind.

Stay open and use this energy to explore your intuition, Higher Realms of Consciousness, and the Infinite Wisdom that lives inside of you.

~ Tanaaz