dinsdag 20 augustus 2019

Update ~ Energetic Alchemist

The 3rd dimensional identities are beginning to collapse. Do not let this throw you into a tail spin. It’s ok to feel unstable if that’s where you are.  👁 

Egos are projecting in full force throughout the collective. Don’t let this stop you! You are ready to live from your heart. “Tower moments” are happening left and right, as our reality transforms very quickly. 

This can Bring up some fear if you interpret these changes through the mind instead of the heart center. Your heart is a portal of higher energies, a direct connection to source: tune in frequently. 

Don’t second guess the work you have done to get into these higher vibrations: Keep your eye on the prize ❤️🌈 the guides are calling this portion of the matrix dissolution: END GAME. 🙌🏻

Extremely high energy waves inbound

Expect the next 3 days to be full of intense shifting, you’re being asked to ground in the higher timeline by living your highest truth NOW