Twin soul Ascension report...... The 12.12 master portal.. disclosure is imminent for ascending humanity
December 10, 2018

Dearest beloveds,
of the most high. We come forward in this sacred moment of your time on
wings of great excitement and jubilation Please know dearest ones that
the so deeply prayed for transformations are finally truly taking place
now on this earthly realm.
are acute upheavals taking place all around the world at the moment and
we are all witnessing a monumental handover of power from the forces
that "were" who are sometimes referred to as the Deep state or the cabal
- to the forces of light.
ones, We are so close now, and life on Earth is on the cusp of
transforming at a truly unprecedented rate. We can confirm that there
are leaders in the geopolitical and military complex who genuinely do
have an ascending humanity's greatest interests at heart, and who are
working tirelessly at dismantling the old control structures and paving
the way for technologies that will instantly liberate humanity on every
old ways of mind control and blatant manipulation of humanities
consciousness are now in the final dismantling stages and for some, this
will appear chaotic and messy, but here we refer you very very strongly
to the archetype of the tower card in the tarot major Arcana.
tower represents all that is not solid or sustainable.All of our
Western societies have been built upon these illusionary principles with
the primary motivation of those in power being service to themselves
with a complete neglect of the vast majority of humanities needs and
birthright.Please know that each of us holds within our deepest
blueprint, all of the codes to create paradise on earth.
blueprint is stored in our super consciousness field also known as the
Akashic records. What this means is that every single human being alive
is programmed for unity consciousness, to coexist on this pristine planet in harmony and bliss.
are fundamental aspects of our true Nature and are stored in the hard
drive of our divine selves. In order to access this blueprint, one must
commit diligently to taking the leap from prioritising The Logical and
rational voice of the mind to prioritising and implementing the knowing
of ones heart consciousness, also known as the unified field of
each soul individually aligns and is governed by their heart Centre
this world that we all hold in our deepest core Will manifest
efficiently, proficiently and immediatly.
many of you are aware the imminent disclosure timeline will reveal and
indeed unveil many advanced Technologies that have been gifted to
humanity from our galactic brothers and sisters who coexist in
dimensional realms that are higher than ours. These technologies have
been available to humanity for many many many decades but have been kept
hidden from us in order to ensure that the pharmaceutical companies
maintain there mind boggling levels of profit and their strong hold with
regards to the control of humanities consciousness.
These Technologies are able to scan the entire bodily system and recorrect any blocks on any level-
be it etheric, physical, mental or spiritual.
technologies are able to do cell counts and blood counts and
will correct any imbalances within the energy and physical field.
Here is a quote from a previously hidden document....
are three (3) types of Med Beds: (1) Holographic Med Beds; (2)
Regenerative Med Beds which regenerates tissue and body parts, that’s
powered by a different source; (3) Re-atomization Med Beds that in about
two-and-half to three minutes will regenerate the whole human body,
head to toe. What does this advanced technology mean for an 80-year old
woman? She could be 30-years old again in less than three (3) minutes.
Fifty years peeled off her life. Now, she can have children again. She
could have a whole new family if she wants. It looks like to this writer
that the Med Bed technology is a perpetual fountain of youth.
Med Bed looks at the body and corrects imperfections. The technology
has been around for quite some time. It’s not something out of the clear
blue sky. It’s just been kept hidden from the human race for a very
long time.
technology of the Med Beds is not from planet Earth. It is not
human-created technology. It is a technology that has been given to
humanity by off-world ET’s. A Med Bed is based on tachyon particle
energy and plasma (plasmatic) energy. The soil, the atmosphere, the
water, everything is plasma energy, everything in the universe is plasma
energy, it’s just a different form through vibrational frequency.”
are profoundly exciting and transforming times that we are all
currently living in and as ever the level of spiritual intensity will
continue to increase as we move ever closer towards the solar flash
event. At times like this, particular portal dates such as the 11.11 and
the 12.12 will hold a tremendous amount of spiritual energy and as
such it is appropriate for those of you on the Ascension path to gather
together with your brothers and sisters on these dates in order to
harness the potency of date such as this.
The number 12 is found in cultures and religion in all the world.
The number 12 reflects to the ancient meaning of 12 being the number of perfection.
number 12 is the result of 4×3, 4 elements – 4 corners of the earth – 4
cardinal points. When these are multiplied 4 x 3, three being the
sacred number of God, the result is 12 – the perfect number.
number 12 represents a number of completion and can be found in all of
the cultures around the world here are a few examples....
“Against the blue sky of the western world, the stars represent the people of Europe in a circle, a symbol of unity.
“Their number shall be invariably set to twelve, the symbol of completeness and perfection.”
number 12 represents a number of completion and can be found in all of
the cultures around the world here are a few examples….
The 12 Tribes of Israel,
12 Disciples of God
In Buddhism: The 12 Stations of Life
In Zoroastrianism and Olympus: The 12 Heavenly Gods
The Zodiac is Divided Into 12 Constellations.
In Christianity Jesus had 12 disciples,
There are 12 numbers in a clock and 12 months of the year..
are so looking forward to Gathering with you for the 12:12 transmission
ceremony that will take place on Wednesday the 12th of December at
12:12 p.m. Mountain Time 7.12 pm uk time.
are many many of you who have heard the call to be part of these huge
global ceremonies since January and we Express our deepest heartfelt
appreciation to all of you for showing up for this level of personal and
planetary service.
in these ceremony transmissions fast tracks you on your spiritual
evolutionary pathway, as we are working very much with the group energy
of the collective in order to swiftly move through many of the blocks
and obstacles that have accrued since coexisting on the 3d realm, and
many of you often Express how deeply and profoundly life-changing taking
part in these ceremonies is for you.
know that we are being guided to focus on activating the codes of
Celebration that are stored in our DNA. Although it may not seem like it
is time for us to be celebrating as a collective we can assure you that
this handover is very much in its final stages and therefore it is
wholeheartedly appropriate for you to come together in your Ascension
groups in order to activate all of the celebration codes that are stored
within your DNA.
Please know that this will ensure the Swift alignment with the timeline of the Solar flash event.
are also being strongly guided to work with our 12th dimensional Avatar
consciousness self, and we are being guided to ensure that any blocks
or interference that maybe in place on this dimensional level are are
skillfully removed, thus insuring a direct alignment to source energy,
thus enabling all of us to harness our energy directly from Mother
Father God source as opposed to sourcing our energy from other people or
our own energy reserves.
is extremely important work brothers and sisters as many of you are
aware that certain interferences have been allowed to take place in
humanities energy Fields and we are being guided as a collective to
entirely remove all programmes implants or interferences that are
hindering our sovereign alignment with source energy please see below
for full details on the 12 12 transmission.
Dearest ones as ever it is our deepest honour to come forward in this manner to share this extremely exciting news with you all.
We very much look forward to welcoming you into our core group
in love and light Jen and the white wolf tribe