zaterdag 16 september 2023

Return to Innocence ~ Morgan Lee

Return to Innocence
There appears to be very deep clearing of the lower three chakra’s, neutralizing some of our deepest programs of separation, from self. All three chakras seem to be attempting to create a new flow between them, as survival, separation, safety, security and stability programs are being transmuted and re-aligned with the frequency of Unconditional Love, Reverence, Respect, Truth and Unconditional Compassion, for self and then from self. Everything truly comes and is birthed from within.
I have been experiencing, incredible light shows within the lower three chakras and watching them move closer and closer into a new flow of unification, almost becoming one area of light.
Most of these programs, we arrived with, within our DNA from the Mother and Father and it makes sense that these programs within our fields, sent out signals to replay in our immediate environments in loops and cycles, as opportunities for transformation, or growing ourselves up.
The original Mother Goddess and Father God, the most powerful symbols of this, initially, our own parents, then we built creations from those codes, where we created others, to continue to play these roles for us. As we allow ourselves to view again and re write the scripts, without our own shadowed perceptions and lenses, and remember the perfection of all of it, we neutralize the whole story and come to a place of knowing, “none of it was even real”.
We begin to see these characters now, in their innocence, their beauty, their light, as the magnificent souls that they are.
Any mirror of attachment , left now, simply a reflection showing what is left in self, to neutralize and harmonize. Every conversation, interaction with self, or another, a situation, showing us, our own light or our own shadow, offering opportunity for new choice again.
The ending of the 3D movie, bringing us down to the individual self, down to our own Oneness and here we begin to see ourselves with unconditional compassion as the creator of all of it, now making new choices, rewriting our own codes from within.
We let go of the characters in our old movie, that came in to play those programs, our programs, out for us and then, more and more, there is only one character left, the self. The movie has actually ended and we either get to keep watching the old movie re-runs or we make new choices, new scripts, new ways of being are created as a our new movies begin to present.
A period of an overlap of movies, the old ending at the same time as the new being written.
Everyone reflecting back their pure innocence and looking like an immaculate golden child , there is so much beauty and perfection to be seen in each other .
Joy, fun, laughter and giggles