vrijdag 29 september 2023

Let boredom show you your light! ~ Lorie Ladd

Currently, in my opinion we need to slow freaking down! Stop. Sit in silence. Be. Get bored! Let boredom show you your light!

We are energy. There is energy all around you, as you right now. Energy is felt. It’s a felt experience. We are energy, therefore we are designed to FEEL IT ALL.

There are so many distractions in our world today, pulling us away from feeling. Not feeling what someone wants us to feel or tells us to feel but just simply feeling what’s arising in our body AND what we are feeling around us in the world. Meaning, TRUSTING you

We are being pulled back into a very intimate relationship with our body. Don’t run!
It truly is the most empowering place you can be right now. Right here right now with the feelings running through the body. When we stop running from what simply is arising here and now we TRULY become free

You’ve got this! Feel it all. Stop listening to everyone else and listen to the soft whisper of your Soul, your light. You’ll find it in the silence