vrijdag 29 september 2023


From the circle last night and numerous calls this morning and realizing that it wasn't just me, something was happening, both personally and collectively. and it appears that there was a massive huge emotional clean up , going on atm .
With the merging of the masculine principal and the feminine principal it only makes sense that this would put an end to the internal battle of the sexes.

Breaking down of our own inner battle and where, how, why that was projected into our reality and moving into full self accountability for all of the creations of separation from self and the external and internal battles.
The excess emotions, feelings, beliefs, programs, dissipating from our fields as a whole layer also dissipates from the collective.

Watching this, and seeing how this worked in self, in last nights relationship circle, which was truly about the inner relationship of the masculine and feminine, more than anything else, was one of the most powerful experiences, I have had so far. We observed all of it, become, pure light from the dense crap it started as.

Not hugely emotional for the human, but gently , transmuting in the back ground, deep emotions of old and 24 hours of working, releasing and letting go of all emotions, and programs of separation from with. everything showing, sadness, regret, disbelief, grief, shock, betrayal, disrespect, abandonment, power over, examples from last nights circle, of a few frequencies, dissipating and moving away from our fields. One by one reconciling all of the accumulated pain, now FROM WITHIN.

It feels very much like a leap towards, if not, the end of projection.
The reconciliation must be reached in order for each emotion to be transmuted .
The inner battle crumbling as we are being offered this opportunity to really own our own crap and surrender it, to be transmuted to unconditional love for self.

I will put a link up for the group session on this work later on today, if not tomorrow. Anyone wishing to clear, any final vestiges of emotions, no longer necessary to carry, please email me at zeropointing369.com or watch out for the link.