It felt like a huge leap in consciousness yesterday, where a new something or other, seemed to arrive, a new level of clarity, new level of understanding, compassion, something else perhaps.
Sisters have been reaching out last night and again today, speaking of the conscious shift. Many also shared that they were aware of some major womb activation a few days ago, which was really quite something else.
I felt it arrive, into my consciousness last night, and so this afternoon I went into deep meditation and was shown, that there was a distorted masculine energy that needed to be cleared, released, and those codes came from, the false or distorted father frequency, for me, the symbol of both my biological father and my step father arrived for me to work with. I was asked to neutralize all of the distorted codes from them, by aligning with them and owning them all as my own and therefore moving into unconditional love for them and myself. That any resistance, attachments, judgements, projections, etc. must be zero-pointed.
I was told that once this was done, I would no longer be a match for this energy and would no longer send out signals, so it would then create as a reality, into my field. This was the collapsing, a massive collapsing of more of the patriarchal frequency, that would no longer be supported or enabled, by her, the feminine and then he too would align with these new codes. And that would assist in the merging of the Masculine and Feminine principals of self.
As this was finalized in that vision, I understood that all of the sadness, grief, sorrow, anger, etc, felt by the feminine, was her, letting these familiar codes, be neutralized via her, own transmutation, through her own heart.
She was re-writing the script, from within, the dream of the masculine. It might break her heart to do it, but she must let go, of these old memories, beliefs, programs, etc. The distorted versions, had to die, go through death in order to make way for new creation, new birth, new frequency.
When this was completed, I felt like a asparagus, wrapped in bacon. Like a thick coating of energy was covering. A divine, and magnificent, masculine energy wrapped energy around my entire being, I could feel an amazing energy pouring out from my heart , slowly moving down my whole body. It felt almost dense, there was so much of it and I felt his warmth, his strength, his gentleness, his truth, his protection, his loyalty, his stability, reverence, courage etc.
It was incredible and then just as I was wondering why he was on the outside of me, was that okay, I did not want to be smothered or taken over, by the masculine, he moved into my entire being and become one with me. I heard this is the true twin flame, this is the true sacred union.
And a distinct change , in synchronicities, like we landed in the river of FLOW itself, everything just lining up, like magic.
But that sure was an arduous labor