You're heading into another day of Solar Weather that is adding more energy to the planet and you.
Solar Winds are continuing at high levels, pushing in energies, and transient CME plasma floating near the planet right into you.
If so, expect to see Solar Storm events of G1 or G2.
So as you go through your day, no matter what may come, remember you've made it through every single one of your best and hardest ascension days yet!
Today is no different.
You know that no matter what happens or comes your way, YOU can handle it.
I mean, look at your track record?!
You are a walking testament of what is possible!
You truly are an amazing BEing, holding your light and always moving forward.
Even if you stumble a bit, you always step back on your path.
Things may get a little wonky around you over the next few days.
More glitches, more outages, more deja vu, more weather changes, even some Earth changes are possible.
With your track record, you know you can make it through anything and everything that's brought your way!
That's YOU! The power you hold, your understandings that are within you now.
Everything is coming together FOR YOU in this time.
When you're fully walking your path, the universe brings what is needed to you.
Especially now that you are on the highest main timeline.
So set those intentions, hold your light high, and let's watch everything come in and change together.
We Are All One.
One Light, One Understanding, One Love.
It's going to be very interesting over the next few days.
Remember to keep yourself wrapped in Source light protection.
You're very important!
Everything is changing around you.
The biggest change will happen in the blink of an eye, easily and gracefully.
Trust in you, and let's bring it all in together.
Much love and light,
-SA Smith