maandag 25 september 2023


A CME, SOLAR STORMS, INTERPLANETARY SHOCKS, KP RISING, RADIATION STORMS & MORE. The last 16 hours have been impressive in the energies!
We had a Coronal Mass Ejection push in yesterday late afternoon EDT.
What was supposed to be a sideswipe to the planet came fully in and let itself be known.
The KP levels rose and fell for the next 16 hours and are still continuing NOW. Expected to rise even higher today.
Solar storms up to G2 or KP 6.
Alerts that a tear opened in our atmosphere to allow solar storms to get bigger!
Interplanetary Shockwave!
M Class Flares and so much more!
It was a tad amount like riding a celestial roller coaster.
Our Magnetosphere really shows the truth of the energies.
But our Schumann Resonance tool, yesterday went into this dark blue space.
As we know, it can't accurately show the high energies coming in. Often when it should be solid white, it goes into this dark blue almost void state.
This time though, it left the Stairway of Ascension in the imprint. Which is very telling for the time we are in!
We have a BIG ENERGY DAY ahead!
The effects of the CME continue, we have a chance of hitting G3 Storm levels today.
Also, Flux Energies are expected to be at their highest yet, Causing Radiation Storms!
We have a chance for M Class Flares and X Class as well!
Today is much like popcorn, and any kernel can pop at any time. Maybe all at once.
It's a volatile Solar Weather day!
This is a day to be soft on yourself and put yourself first.
I can't recommend grounding strongly enough and often.
If you feel a current running through you.
Your Jaw is aching, Teeth vibrating.
Restless legs,
Uncomfortable in your skin.
These are all signs you're holding too much energy in the body.
Find a quiet space and ground. If needed ask your team to help.
Grounding to the Sun or Blessed Gaia is highly recommended.
If you're having trouble with this, I have meditations to assist you on
Today is an exciting one, literally ANYTHING can happen!
So it's important to take care of you.
You're the only YOU we have and our ascension needs you.
Much love and light,