zondag 26 maart 2023

WAYSHOWERS: Amanda Lorence


LIFE FORCE (plus GOD’S ESSENCE): LIFE FORCE can also be described as the Holy Spirit, or the Holy Ghost, or the Cosmic Vibration of God/Source/Creator/the Absolute. It is the ENERGY emitted from the Absolute when IT initially created of ItSelf, outside of ItSelf, as infinite reflections. GOD’S ESSENCE: Is the initial and primary reflection of the unchanging and impenetrable Absolute. The first reflection made of ItSelf, was itself, God. That created all of creation. EMBODIMENT stages consciously access God’s Essence, AND the Life Force. I have spoken and written about ‘God’s Essence’ a few years ago. So this post is to share about Life Force (the Holy Spirit/Cosmic Vibration) and how it affects, and will affect more prominently, if we choose in our life experience to align to God/Source.

GENERAL DATA: Energy is subtle, until focus is placed upon FEELING WITHIN, any energy vibration. The more we tune in to internal energy, the more the SUBTLE, becomes the DOMINANT experiential state. The increased embodiment of Subtle affects how we experience previous realms we use to reside in, play in, talk in. Talking and listening to Linear language becomes a ‘grosser’ meaning ‘courser’ means of communication. Because our communication becomes telepathic. We ALL also become far more SENSITIVELY AWARE of all vibrations behind any words being spoken. There are many states to reside in, emit as, where all are various vibrations in HERTZ FREQUENCY, that are differentiated by HERTZ value. There is no right or wrong hertz frequency. Energy just is, at variable frequencies. During embodiment we can feel various vibrations in our brain and our body. These are many, of many patterns, and many different hertz values, in many places throughout the brain and body. The sequence ignites dormant circuitry in a SERIES of pulses and vibrations. An ENERGY process that ignites dormant parts of the brain, not previously CONSCIOUSLY accessed in waking state. KUNDALINI is like an ignition AMPLIFIER. It’s like energetic rocket fuel, that helps with the above process of change. During our embodiment stages we also experience increase to what human beings call ‘sexual energy’ thus an increase to sexual desire. Especially during certain TYPES of INCOMING ENERGY, this can get amplified. There are many ‘layers’ and ‘layers’ to understanding what human beings label as sexual energy, how it is understood is varied, and how it can be used in discernment, to assist your INNER embodiment journey. I explain the above differences of energy only, in order to now explain the difference of what LIFE FORCE is. It is DIFFERENT energy: TRANSCENDING INTO MORE AND MORE OF THE SUBTLE: When we access within, by dropping thought, to no thought, If we move beyond all Astral Plane Imagery, If we move beyond all Sound accessed within the Astral Plane, If we move beyond focus to the activating physical internal hertz vibrations and electrical pulses, If we move within, beyond Kundalini vibrations, If we move beyond area vibrations of activity within the brain, If we move beyond any physical ‘sexual’ vibrations, If we choose the CAUSAL PLANE again and again as the daily practice in… IT OPENS UP, more and more CONSCIOUSNESS, over time. As a side note, it is from the Causal Plane we experience God’s Essence. Which in turn allows us that same experience within the waking world of solid reality. This when practiced, can, over time lead to the CONSCIOUS embodiment (aware connection) to the LIFE FORCE / HOLY SPIRIT / COSMIC VIBRATION. LIFE FORCE / HOLY SPIRIT / HOLY GHOST / COSMIC VIBRATION: ‘Life Force’ is what allows for the human experience. When a person dies, only their body ceases. They continue, as if they have not stopped or ceased. Because they leave the body WITH their LIFE FORCE into the next realm. They do not stop, cease, they carry on. The Life Force ceases only, in the physical body. Yet God’s Essence is still within the remaining MATTER that is the physical body, that is given to the Earth. What I am emphasising is the LIFE FORCE (Holy Spirit) that was within the human all along, WHILST LIVING, remains WITH their CONSCIOUSNESS as they transition and continue out of body. LIVING WITH THE LIFE FORCE CONSCIOUSLY EMBODIED: At certain stage, there is the conscious awareness and therefore connection to God’s LIFE FORCE, that pervades all creation. It is physically unseen. Yet becomes known, felt, connected to, conscious of…embodied. When we choose to make LIFE FORCE our dominant LIVING connection, it affects the physical body. In that new state of connection: The Brain has finished balancing both left and right hemispheres, via those brain vibrations and upgrade to far more active circuitry within the brain (yet there is ALWAYS MORE to open and activate within the brain). A balanced brain state equals balance, BEFORE the thoughts. Therefore thoughts are balanced. Balanced emotions. Balanced words. Balanced actions. In a DOMINANT state of Peace and Grace. We then have the ability (it happens to you) to merge that balanced state with the LIFE FORCE. Which in turn begins to balance the WATERS of our physical body. Which in turn brings healing to the physical cells in our body. Which in turn brings physical health. When the initiate reaches the embodiment stage of MERGING, in no thought mode, as ONLY SOUL ENERGY state of Being, with the HOLY SPIRIT / God’s COSMIC VIBRATION, there is natural balance arising for the mental body of thoughts, the emotional body, physical body and the astral body. This is how LIVING suffering ends, for those that embody the HOLY SPIRIT. And in future timelines those beings may, in their service to God, if ordained, give out of the Holy Spirit to others that have and hold, their faith in God… But I emphasise, not now, only at right timeline, God’s Bigger Picture Timeline. As much is to unfold and DISSOLVE, as well as expand and rise in Consciousness, all at the same time within this multi-dimensional experience here. The TRINITY of: 1] The embodiment of God (God’s Essence assessable within), 2] The embodiment of the Holy Spirit (assessable within), 3] You, at an attainable energetic hertz aligned in Christed Hertz Frequency, that have chosen, pre this lifetime, to incarnate and serve The Absolute, via your embodied connection within, 1] God’s Essence and 2] God’s Holy Spirit / Life Force. As always, please just discard if none of this resonates. 🙏🏻 With so much Love, Amanda Lorence 26 March 2023