donderdag 23 maart 2023

WAYSHOWERS: Amanda Lorence


And so it continues…DAY 23 March 2023, another LIGHT LAYER, available, to have your living experience in, at your aligned frequency timing.

LIGHT LAYERS / GATEWAYS: LIGHT LAYERS are different to GATEWAYS. Gateways present, and remain OPEN for ALL, and are ‘opened’ thus walked through, by the individual self, by aligning to SAME frequency as the actual Gateway Frequency itself. Are therefore fool-proof, allowing higher frequency layers to NOT be tampered with, manipulated, by Service to Self of Control Over. There is no right or wrong FREQUENCY, for energy just IS. We each evolve by RAISING our frequency. LIGHT LAYERS are intricate LAYERS of light nodes, assembled into intricate geometrical patterns too intricate (beyond mandalas), for a human being to even try to draw). Within Light Noded patterns are variable vibrations and frequencies, light hues of variable frequency colours of LIGHT. Intricate LIGHT LAYERS are like ‘playing fields’ made by SOURCE, to experience IN. The intricate alignments within Light Layers thus create the LAWS of CREATION within a particular LIGHT LAYER. Please note: We ALL experience many Light Layers as our experience of our consciousness is of FLOW, regardless if we are awake or ‘unawakened’., of God’s Laws of Creation. Just that some people are not consciously aware of Light Layers. So Light Layers are different to GATEWAYS, yet even a Light Layer has an ENTRY POINT, like a door. Where we open the door via our own vibrational match, frequency alignment to the Gateway. When we match it, the Gateway (door) opens. We walk through, into another stage of our ascending consciousness stage. THINK OF JACOB’S LADDER… Gateways are the RUNGS of the ladder, but only WITHIN one ladder. Just one ladder. In between each ‘rung’ of the ladder are many invisible steps. Each INVISIBLE step has a different frequency. Where we experience our consciousness based on our ever increasing SUSTAINED frequency. Our OWN Frequency in a sense, INFLUENCES what we focus on. The choices we make, our thoughts, our actions, non actions (non actions are also an action). In our daily, weekly, yearly experince. Yet OUR OWN(!) power of choice to focus on what we want to, affects our JOURNEY and thus can attract our journey back to God. The rememberance and connectedness of our embodiment of God. God remembered. That was actually ALWAYS always there, within EVERY SINGLE ONE. If they choose it. LIGHT LAYERS are like ‘Playing Fields’, we move into, via our Consciousness Level, and thus we experience from that field. There are many Playing Fields, in God’s Creation. Reached by each preceding Ladder. LEARNING DREAM 23 MARCH 2023: Showed me in animated analogy, todays LIGHT LAYER. It shows the WAY. The PROPHECY. Yet that way is played out over the slower effect of LINEAR TIME here, for all that choose it. I was shown what science and astronomers have called “The Eye of God”. In solid 3d density of form, it is a Nebula within the Constellation of Aquarius. The image below is what astronomers have photographed of the Nebular. Yet it was NOT exactly WHAT I was shown in my Learning Dream. I was shown what will be. What I was SHOWN was this EYE, but instead of it being surrounded by dark outer space matter, I was shown it within the clear blue sky surrounding our Mother Earth. It WAS a visual analogy of God. Showing me God’s presence, shall be known by the masses, felt, seen, walked with, at one with, as Consciousness knowing within. Yet my previous understanding of this is that it will occur over LINEAR TIME. This dream was showing me ancient PROPHECY. Of what shall occur, in the timelines ahead. And yet, for those that have eyes to see and ears to hear, also relates to the timeline we are ALL actually already in. Even if people do not see or know the Times we are IN. That are written, in ancient scriptures of many cultures, many different religions, as well as written in the Stars. My focus is never OF the world of materialism and solidity, my focus is always on VIBRATION and LIGHT. My focus is and always has been on God/Source/Creator/the Absolute. Yet it is no coincidence that in 3rd Density Matter, the Nebula named/labelled by astronomers as the Eye of God, simply because of how it stunningly appears to the physical eyes of astronomers, is ACTUALLY WITHIN, the constellation of… Aquarius. Todays LIGHT LAYER… Age of Aquarius. I’ll leave it there…For EACH have their own journey, their own design and style, own ways of seeing, knowing, embodying, created by their own, unique and beautiful Soul. I just share my way in case it supports you, and helps uplift you in energy frequency within this Collective ascending experience. 22 March was the beginning of Stage 2. The ‘corridor’ between Stage 1 and Stage 2 was 22 December 2022 - 22 March 2023. It was a massive passageway. I will explain Stage 2 when I can. Yet it also feels just now too much to explain or write. But I will when it feels easy to. Ease and flow…the natural, easiest and most peaceful way of being. Additionally, as everything has multiple layers….it goes without saying that today’s actual incoming energies are a lot…to absorb, integrate, within you. Where any integration of incoming energies takes 3 days to absorb into the cellular. Todays energies may affect peoples physical nervous system. So much Love as we go, Amanda Lorence 23 March 2023
PS: Added Note: Just for accuracy, what can not be seen in the stock photograph, but was within the sight in my Learning Dream, was the WHITE spark, found at the centre, beyond the gold and blue.