dinsdag 7 maart 2023



+ Invitation to connect remotely for the Full Moon! WOW amazing energies and very powerful Frequencies of pure Divine Love are flowing in, allowing our Minds to fully surrender to the wisdom and knowing of the Heart, ever since the last 5.7 M-Class flare that went off just after 2pm UTC on the 6th. With it, MASSIVE amounts of Diamond White, Golden, Platinum and Rainbow plasma liquid light started streaming in and throughout the Grids, assisting us with the QUANTUM COMPLETION OF OUR MISSIONS & ASCENSION! OUR PLASMA WINGS ARE READY TO FULLY OPEN & FLY! This can also be seen with the latest Schuhmann Resonance spikes (I see wings!), as we continue to be showered with ongoing M-Class and C-Class flares, and solar winds. This Full Moon feels very powerful and I am being guided to offer for us to CONNECT REMOTELY in the field FOR THE time of the FULL MOON (12:40 PM UK time on the 7th), but let's start at 12:30 PM and we'll go for about an hour (min), so till 13:30 PM. If you can't make the time, I suggest tuning into the field at any other time during the day when you can, as you will be joining the field in the quantum. It will basically work like the remote Ascension Booster Sessions and Activations I have offered before, and also assists those taking part as an overall purification, clearing, healing and upgrade session.

There's no direct guidance as such, just for us to connect from Heart to Heart in meditation as ONE, with the intention to FULLY IGNITING OUR KRYSTAR SAPHIRA DIAMOND RAINBOW PLASMA AURORA LIGHTBODY & MERKABA vehicle, and that of Earth, as well as the new 13D Diamond Grid system and connecting into the Crystalline Core! 'The Diamond Avatar & New Earth Diamond Grid Activation' from the last group call will be perfect for this, if you want to listen to something during our remote Activation and meditation, or you can use any of my other Activations during that time also if you feel guided to, that you can access via my SoundCloud. Or you can just connect in silence or in whichever way you're guided to. Your conscious intention to take part at the time, or at a later point, is enough, but it would be great to see how many are connecting, so you can also LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW to state your intention in taking part, thanks! LET'S BE THIS!!! LET'S CALL FORTH THE FULL COMPLETION OF OUR ASCENSION & FINAL & FULL DISSOLUTION OF THE FALSE MATRIX SIMULATION - RIGHT NOW!! THIS IS THE END OF TIME! THE END OF THE FALSE MATRIX REALITIES!! We're completing a very deep multi-dimensional integration as all lower Consciousness, frequencies, energies, density, artificial matter and systems, along with all remaining fallen Timelines, are fully dissolved now! Many may feel very sleepy even after having had much sleep, as this reset completes. Our ancient future memories of Ascension Earth are fully awakening from within our cellular memories. As the last veil and all the artificial overlays fully dissolve, reality is becoming very lucid dreamy, which is what allows us to manifest the higher dimensional realities. We're bridging and merging the dimensions, especially between the Counterparts, as they merge matter and anti-matter, Heaven and Earth, and hold the Divine Hierogamic Union Blueprints, and Edenic and Paradisian keys and codes, which is what holds the instruction sets for our NEW EARTH REALITIES, all being FULLY IGNITED - right NOW! WE'RE DREAMING HEAVEN ON EARTH INTO BEING!! Allow this deep integration and Crystalline Activations to unfold with as much ease as possible, as we're fully bridging, merging and synchronising all of our multi-dimensional Selfs Dimensions, Realities, Realms, Universes and World's as ONE! Let go of your false ego mind as the Buddhic no-mind is taking over, and we fully surrender to our Heart, Soul and Source! Let go of the stories of the past, the material world with all its distractions, all attachments to outcome, and fully surrender to the Divine Plan and the Source within! Feel into the deep peace available in this now! The Planetary Grids are very powerfully lit, all is set for the final ignition and Event is complete everything, and we're basically fully DONE with our final dusting of the decks!! NOW COMES THE FINAL LIFT-OFF! šŸ”„šŸ‰šŸ”„ The New Earth Grids and our sacred Crystal Hearts, are awaiting the final ignition and we have a big and complex sun spot group about to directly face Earth also! I'm getting the message that tomorrow (7th & 8th) has a whole lot of 'LETS LIGHT UP THE COSMIC HEART GRID & COMPLETE OUR ASCENSION' written all over it!! Ultimately all happening and has already happened outside of linear time, and remember that time is just a 3D concept. All Timelines have been fully collapsed into the Zero Point Field of the New Divine Organic Creatrix Field, which is fully Quantum. THE ARTIFICIAL MATRIX, BLACK MAGIC GRIDS & TECHNOLOGIES ARE FULLY OFFLINE NOW & are being dissolved! ALL IS READY FOR THE BIG & FINAL SWITCH OVER TO OUR NEW EARTH DIAMOND GRID!! This is very much the golden moment in no-time where ALL IS ALIGNING & COMING TOGETHER FOR US NOW!! I hope you can feel this as all remaining illusions, false perceptions, projections, limiting thought forms and beliefs, fears, doubts, worries and insecurities, are fully dissolving, allowing a deep peace and feeling of being fully at home and safe within our body, to heal us and our and the Earths morphogenetic field, which holds the instruction sets for how our realities manifest, fully, in this very now. HEALING ALL! We're quantum completing our healing journey and missions at super extra fast, quantum God Source speed! Any moment now, it is going to be Heaven on Earth all around us, which is being fully ignited and re-membered in this now from within us! BELIEVING IS SEEING!! The deadline for the full and final removal of all negative, inorganic and artificial entities and realities, and completion of our Ascension, which are one and the same, has been set for midnight on the 12th of March, UK time, as mentioned in my last video update. I see this completing before then, as the Supernova of The Heart Event and magnetic field and pole shift and flip is currently completing as we fully shift from Mind based, to Heart based Creation and living. The Masculine fully surrenders to the Feminine, as we realise there is nothing to control here, just to let go of fear, which is false evidence appearing real. The ego fully surrenders itself to the Soul and Spirit. The ultimate pole shift!! Which also returns us to our and Earth's natural, and Mother's Supermagnetism!! With much DMT being released, we are dreaming New Earth and our New Life into being, literally! Our ancient future memories are coming powerfully online along with our and Ascension Earth's Golden and Crystalline cities, structures and the new technologies of the New Diamond Grid system. There's not much left to do but to BE, and merge, melt and UNIFY ALL AS ONE, FULLY IGNITING OUR ONE TRUE DIAMOND AVATAR SELF, which is what is fully igniting our SuperPOWERs, gifts, abilities, wisdom, gnosis and true Cosmic history records, and with it, our New Eden! All from within our DNA and morphogenetic Blueprint, quantum style!! Now we have fun as this is our FINALE! HEAVEN ON EARTH IS BEING IGNITED FROM DEEP WITHIN as our ancient future memories return and we fully awaken from the dream within the dream.. Now. Eternal Love, Ramona