vrijdag 17 maart 2023

LOVE ~ Ramona Lappin


Love is not fleeting. Love is forever present. It is the very fabric that holds the Cosmos together. Love can not vanish. It can only sometimes seem to be forgotten, as our Minds confuse our Hearts from seeing what is Truth! All that is not based in Love is part of us having forgotten our true nature. Our very own essence is bathed in Love. All else is forgetfulness and confusion. As we remember who we truly are at our core again, An essence that is even beyond Love. Beyond feeling. It is pure Awareness. It is the Observer of All That Is. The Essence from which we sprung forth from and are always atOne with. Eternally.

Our true Innocence shines through once more. The ever pervading, limitless and always present Consciousness that exists beyond words, form and time. It is always accessible when we still our minds, rest in the silence and let all distractions fall away. It is pure Beingness, beyond personality and ego. As we drop into this pure state of Awareness, all fears, doubts, worries, stress, grief, sadness, desires and needs fall away. As we remember that we are always safe, provided for, and loved beyond what the mind can comprehend. In this state we recognize each other as being part of ONE field of Conscious Awareness. Always present in no-time. Interconnected through a web of energy beyond the illusions of matter. Always atONE WITH ALL of Creation. Beyond borders, race, color, beliefs. When we remember that we are that which we are seeking, and that which we are seeking is also seeking us, we are atOne again, with All That Is. We can once again relax into the state of simple Beingness. The all encompassing Essence which connects us all and is forever present. Beyond time, beyond space, beyond words and form, beyond all illusions of separation. Here ALL JUST IS. When we're fully present. Right here. Now. Simply being, and deepening, into ever deeper levels of pure True Divine Source Love. Eternal Love, Ramona