woensdag 8 maart 2023

Energy Update ~ Natoya Hall

Blessings, Starseeds! I was down for the count last week as I integrated some powerful energies. I speak about this in this Months Forecast! I hope you have a beautiful
and powerful March!

"... I have been speaking about the Chakras for years (one of my favourite subjects) and how for many lifetimes we have been going through cycles of deeper metamorphosis to transform and shift the functioning of the 12th Dimensional human body On Earth. Instead of the 7 “main” Chakras, we are morphing into ONE Source of Light. This means that we are merging ALL the Chakras together creating ONE unified field of consciousness. The Sun is assisting with this and so too are our Galactic Team of Light, Elohim, Archangels and many kins we have known and continue to work with as Guardians in this lifetime such as Auset, Sekhmet, Thoth, The Hathors, Green and Pink Tara, Melchizedek, Horus, Anubis, Nuburians, Siriuns and Lyrans to name a few.

I have to be clear that many within the Collective will not be going through this LEVEL of metamorphosis until they have consciously mastered their "lower-world chakras". I’m talking about those deliberately set on not expanding their minds, this is their journey, and to upgrade and expand is ours. The Wayshowers are the ones who are in a sacred contractual agreement to be the first to shift. I’ll go into each of the higher Chakras a bit and explain how each is assisting our evolution. I teach this and activate these higher chakras within MOSK if you would like to go deeper. The Higher chakras are from 2 feet - 10 feet above our heads and are larger than our 7 “main” Chakras..."

So much Love Divine, Starseeds!