vrijdag 10 maart 2023

Energy / Ascension update: IT IS DONE ! ~ David Alexander Lightfoot

Energy / Ascension update: IT IS DONE !

This is what it feels like for me this morning and I know I am not the only one experiencing this right now. So much hard work and many life challenges, real change is finally here. A major breakthrough / paradigm shift has happened, the veil has been lifted even more for all awakened ready to see these divine miracles supporting more change and awakening of others. We are ascending. Heaven is descending. It is amazing to get our real authentic lives back. To become whole and connect with all in higher unity love. We are writing history, can this really be true ? Yes it is ! A friend shared believing is seeing and this makes so much sense. For all on the ascension path, no more karma, trauma, false programs, false beliefs. No more judging, hate, control, war and inner conflict but inner peace. Only love showing and guiding our way.

It starts within. Believe in a new start, believe in higher dimensional unity love, believe you are worthy to be your true higher dimensional self. You are not alone, we are doing it together, you are really doing it. We are ascending, you are ascending and creating a new life in a new world together with the most amazing star sisters and brothers. New supporting, loving, caring connections , friendships, relationships, divine relationships in higher love frequency and vibration, we so deserve this. The door to more blessings and miracles is wide open so hold your arms up and receive, you, we deserve this, we are the forerunners in change. Say yes, believe. It Is DONE, It Is DONE, It Is DONE. Please do share your experiences with me With divine blessings to all David Alexander Lightfoot