maandag 27 maart 2023



How are you doing in the energies?
I know sometimes they can feel overwhelming.
They just keep coming, right?

But did you know that's just what YOU need to get you to the highest version of you?
The Solar Winds are rising because of the large cornal hole that's Earth facing.
Those winds whip over that large open space on the Coronal Hole on the sun and speed up.
Then those same solar winds pick up the plasma and Flux Energies that have been left behind from Solar Flares & CME'S.

It then pushes those things straight into the atmosphere of the planet.
Literally bringing those high vibrational energies straight into YOU.
If more is needed, your Galactic family brings in even more energies from the dark side of the planet.
All of this is happening in coordination of the purging, clearings & upgrades happening within YOU.
All to help you to reach the highest level of understanding you can in this now moment.
Once your body's energy field reaches the same level as the energy coming in, your ascension symptoms will lessen greatly.

Then, you'll start to feel more of the Bliss energies that are coating the planet.
So today ask yourself, "How are you doing in the energies?"
Because they've been coming in nonstop for over a year.

You've done an amazing job of walking your path and holding your light.
Time for you to see and feel the difference of who you are.
You are starting to overlap with your Quantum self in major ways.

Feel that today as you go through your day.
Feel the changes within you and celebrate them!
It's been a long journey, and finally, you're seeing the time of the Light coming in all around you.

It's not something you're waiting for, it's here!
You're in it, and the change is all around you.
Everything can and will change even more with the Love Wave. But what you're experiencing now is all part of it.

Happy Monday, Divine One,