zondag 8 december 2019

Take Leaps of Faith in 2020 By Judith Kusel

Take Leaps of Faith in 2020

By Judith Kusel
Make some quiet time amidst the frenetic pace of this time of the year.
Take time to just be.

It is when we allow ourselves to be silent, and when allow ourselves to go deeper and connect with our own soul, that visions and revelations come, insight and wisdom.
At this time of the year, I always ask about guidance about my next step or pathway.
A new decade is dawning, in 2020, and with the next ten years will bring intense and more dramatic shifts and changes. 
The earth is truly now shedding what no longer serves her ascension process, and truly so much of was once was lost to humankind will be returned in the next ten years or so.

Prepare yourself for these dramatic changes, by allowing yourself to ask: “May I have crystal clear guidance, about my next step, or pathway?”
Then be open to whatever comes. Write it down, even if it appears to be way beyond your reach right now.

In writing down, you are committing to it on a very high soul level. You will find that once you write it down, and you sit with it, ideas will come, synchronicity will start happening,

When I look back at this year, and see how I was being called to go to Greece and Egypt, but had no idea how that would manifest into form, once I committed myself to going, and actually contacted my own travel agent and asked for her help, the rest just started happening.

Take leaps of faith in 2020!
Yes, it is required from all of us!

I have been given such an immense calling for 2020 already, that I am taking some quiet time today, to just to allow more guidance to come, and then writing it down. In doing this, I am realizing that the next decade will be like a huge rebirth for me on all levels and that I will be stretched, beyond being stretched, but I am ready and willing to take those leaps of faith, ever in the highest possible service to the Divine.
I hope you do too!

Judith Kusel