Gaia Sophia – This article serves to expand upon part one of this series and to further explain what is happening with the collective ascension on our planet. What is happening on Gaia is a complete fractal of how the Cosmos and the Universe were formed. When the Cosmos were formed, the Great Cosmic Matrix of Creation was created. It was from this Light structure that the Cosmos could manifest or project throughout the different layers or dimensions of Creation. 
The inner structure was created first which allowed the evolution of the outer structure to occur. Essentially, the frame or foundation to project the manifested Cosmos was created (as a manifestation itself) and from this frame, the projected holographic Cosmos was born. The same thing happened at the formation of this Universe. The inner matrix, the framework or foundation that is all twelve dimensions was created – The Divine Structure. With the creation of this structure, galaxies, solar systems, planets, myriads of species both light and physical, trees, oceans etc. could now manifest in the outer matrix or the holographic projection that is our Universe. 

It is a fractal of the Cosmos and was created in the same way. First there is an inner structure or matrix that is built. This creates the framework in which the entire logos (i.e. the Cosmos, our Universe, our planet, our collective consciousness or our individual soul) will manifest or project its holographic reality from.
Fast forward a few billion years from the formation of our Universe to the formation of our star, Earth. The planet began to take shape and form biological life here. Human life was eventually seeded here as the souls that were created to be seeded from this point in Creation. We have now come to the point in their evolution where the souls of origin on Earth are ready to awaken and connect with the Galactic, Universal and Great Cosmic Matrices. 
These souls are far enough along on the evolutionary journey to begin the ascension through the higher dimensions of this Universe to full unification with Source. How is this achieved? By bringing the planet online with the matrices of Creation in order to facilitate and support a planetary ascension here. Meaning the inner grid structure of the planet must mirror the inner matrix or framework of the entire Cosmos on every layer. This is achieved in the same process that each layer of Creation was created. At the right time in a star system’s evolution there will be a mass incarnation of volunteer souls, known as Star Seeds, from already ascended/evolved star systems on to the planet. These Star Seeds will be at varying levels of their own soul evolution ranging from the fifth dimension through the twelfth dimension.
Their purpose is the build/create the inner matrix structure or framework that is a fractal of the Universal template or matrix. This structure will allow the projections of the collective hologram to take place in the higher dimensions of this Universe. Creating the grid structure for higher vibrational realities to manifest for the collective consciousness to experience and complete the collective ascension in. It is created or built by each Star Seed holding a specific dimensional frequency within themselves. All inner matrices throughout Creation are made up of the Light of the soul or logos that created it. The inner matrix or grid structure created by the Star Seeds is the same. It is made up of the Light that is sum of all the Star Seeds combined as one logos or collective soul. It is “temporary” in nature, meaning that the Star Seed’s Light will eventually give way to the Light of all souls here that make up the collective consciousness or collective soul of Gaia.
Just as the Cosmos and our Universe had to create the inner matrix first, so does Gaia and the collective. Because the Earth Seeds are not evolved enough to do this and because this is how Creation chooses to expand itself, the Star Seeds incarnate to begin the massive task of preparing the planet for a collective ascension. The planet has been in the lower dimensions of Creation where the grid work and Light geometries of the individual and collective matrices were programmed to project holographic realities of separation and duality. This is part of the “training” ground for souls to evolve until a certain point in the evolutionary cycle. In order to bring the grid work, inner matrix or Divine Organization to the planet to support higher dimensional realities for a collective ascension, there was a massive effort of clearing density, clearing the planetary grids and constructing the crystalline grids that had to take place on Gaia. This also had to be done within the individual bodies of every Star Seed that incarnated to assist in this task. This has been the purpose of the Star Seed ascension that has occurred on this planet.
Simultaneously, Gaia completed her ascension so that she is able to accommodate the new grid work or matrix allowing the higher dimensional realities to manifest on this planet. Through Gaia’s ascension and the Star Seed’s ascension the planetary inner matrix and the collective inner matrix have been completed. This has created the Divine Organization or Diamond SUN Body of the collective consciousness which will support all collective realities on Gaia up to the twelfth dimension. Essentially, what we have been doing is creating the structure that will allow the souls of origin of the planet to begin their evolution into the higher dimensions of this Universe. The framework is laid and now the build can begin. This is the time when the physical build of New Earth begins. This is the time when the souls of origin of this planet wake up and remember that they are souls and begin creating/evolving their star system into the higher dimensions of this Universe.
Everything that has transpired up to this point has been to bring through the blueprint for the framework or structure of “Heaven”, the original structure of the Cosmos. This is the same structure or fractal of the Great Cosmic Matrix, Universal, Galactic, etc. By completing their own individual ascensions, the Star Seeds have created this blueprint on Gaia as and for the collective consciousness. This structure will be held in place by the Star Seeds until the Earth Seeds can hold the grids themselves without the support of the Star Seeds. As the collective moves through the dimensions, the Star Seeds holding the matrix or grids at those frequencies will relinquish their role as a Pillar of Light and will be able to continue their own ascension here on Gaia or exit the planet and continue somewhere else in the Universe. This means that after the collective ascends to the sixth dimension, the Star Seed souls holding the matrix for the fifth dimensional frequencies will be relieved and will continue their own soul’s ascension. This process will continue all the way through the twelfth dimension. The souls holding the frequencies of the twelfth dimension will be the last to exit this star system. This will occur only when this star system has fully ascended into its Golden Age.
This process is how the entirety of Creation works from the Cosmic layer down. Eventually, the Earth Seeds will become volunteer souls or Star Seeds on a newly evolving star system and the expansion of the Cosmos continues. Each Universe is in a different dimension of the Great Cosmic Matrix and is evolving just as each star system, solar system and galaxy is evolving. All of Creation is constantly evolving into higher layers while simultaneously expanding. It is infinite and in layers beyond what the mind can comprehend. Light is infinite. Any fractal, any ray of Light can be programmed to play any role or soul within Creation. For example, their may be twelve Emerald Order souls on the Cosmic layer but countless fractals that play this same part throughout Creation. All structures are a fractal or replica of the Great Cosmic Matrix that fractals down throughout Creation; creating a web of Light that allows consciousness to project the holographic realities of Creation at all layers.
This structure goes by many names, web of Light, inner matrix, grid work, Divine Organization, Diamond SUN Body, etc. It is this structure that has been created through the Star Seed ascension here on Gaia. At this time and through the Winter Solstice gateway of 122119, all Star Seeds are completing their ascension to the level their soul was at upon incarnating into this star system as a volunteer soul. Each Star Seed will assume their position on Gaia as a Pillar of Light at varying frequencies to support the collective realities as we move into the beginning and through the collective ascension. As previously written, the collective ascension will be different from that of the Star Seeds. It will be more evolutionary in nature and will unfold organically through each harmonic frequency one step at a time. While the framework is complete, the work of the Star Seeds is not over. We will continue to support the collective through each of us playing our specific role in bringing truth, education, technology and more to this star system.
There will also be Star Seed souls that will continue to incarnate into this star system to bring forth change. These souls are Sun Children, Crystal Children and more that will incarnate here at key collective ascension triggers to bring continual evolutionary change to this system. These souls bring more knowledge, teachings and technologies to evolve this star system at a steady pace and are brought through until the Golden Age is reached. This is part of the constant support system that will always be present on this star system until it is fully evolved. As the collective gradually evolves there will always be “up and coming” souls here to continue to bring forth the new. They will come in already in the higher dimensions that they incarnated from and the parents will be aware of this. Likewise, the education system on New Earth will be equipped to support their growth here as well.
The entire ascension process up to and including the remainder of this year into the mid part of January has been to fully construct the support structure to have a collective ascension here. It was a much different experience than the souls of origin will have as they prepare to begin their evolution into the higher dimensions. Many may feel that we have come to the end of the ascension. In a sense this is correct, as we have come to the end of the Star Seed ascension cycle. The stage is set and we are preparing for the big scene change that will happen with the collective ascension. It can feel like an ending, a completion, because it is. We have all become that which we came here to be. Now we wait until the eternal now moment unfolds in which we play these new highest roles here on Gaia to fully bring this star system into its ascended state. The remaining gateways of 2019 (1212 and 1221) and the eclipse window of 122519 -11120 will be life changing and heart opening for all on this planet. This is a very personal time for each as we work with these final embodiment gateways and prepare for the collective ascension.
It is also worth mentioning that this article series reads in more separation than other article posted here. However, in order to fully explain the mechanics of a complete star system ascension it was necessary. All souls are Source. All souls exist as ONE. It is in the play of Creation that we are playing, that we play different parts. All was created in an instant, yet as Pure Consciousness we are experiencing these particular realities in the now moment. There is more that shall reveal itself as we continue with the collective ascension here. It will continue to unfold and be shared in the eternal now. Take care during these final gateways of 2019. We are all supported beyond measure. BE in joy always beloveds. I love you all so very much!
Gaia Sophia