donderdag 19 december 2019

Judith Kusel ~ Energy Update

When we look back upon our lives, we become grateful that every single wish and prayer has not been answered, and indeed got answered in a totally different and much more life-enhancing way.

Sometimes we were offered something, and then decided to rather walk another path, and in the end, that path proved to be the right one - the soul path, following the highest Calling of the Soul.

Sometimes we look back and become thankful that we never married this one or that one, or even got deeper involved with them.

In truth, if you come to think of it, your life is turning out beautifully, even though you think a lot might be missing. In truth nothing is.

The good news is, that the next few days and weeks, open up a portal, a gateway to the Central Suns, where we literally can experience rebirth in amazing ways, if we allow the process to begin, and not get caught up in the madness of the Christmas rush and the festive season.

This is a good time to make those Bucket lists, and to truly pray for a renewed vision for your life, so that you can fulfill your highest soul purpose and calling in a much deeper and profound way. 

Then change that list into a daily prayer and add to this.... "" or something better or more amazing than this:...." and if other soul are involved: "for the highest and best for everyone concerned and in the highest way." In that way you are not intervening with their free will and choice.

Remember that your thoughts manifest instantly into form now, so get crystal clear what you are wishing for.

Judith Kusel