zaterdag 11 december 2021

So many important questions have been asked about our existence ~ David Khillaveli

So many important questions have been asked about our existence like, who is God? And while Religion would have us all believed in a singular and monopolistic governing God; a singular being, it fails to satisfy the innocent yearning of truth seekers worldwide. To understand how irrelevant the question is to get a glimpse into the magnificent of our very existence. The question would perhaps be, ‘who or what is Not God?’

God cannot be separated from reality of the totality or outside existence simply because nothing can exists outside . The human (ego); altered perception can only thinks in terms of linearity. Thinking that God can be limited to the mind only brings more confusion by which men measure existence often inaccurately and incompletely.

God is a manifestation of all that exists, including the very manifestation of your ‘I AM’ presence. This is the being that knows himself to be. It is not a separate reality existing outside of your own experiences, but it connected to all part of life’ experiences and through you it becomes conscious of itself. This is Awareness through Consciousness, the very mechanics of existence which is the source of all manifestations.

The one who understands that God is all that is, understand the importance of harmony. Harmony within leads to harmony without. What use is a separate God if that only makes us more short sighted and small-minded which is limited to dogma and prevent us from seeing the truth and there remain in bondage of duality. The one who understands that God is a universal force also understands that there’s only energies at play; Consciousness interacting with consciousness; even in polarity or duality, there’s a oneness manifesting underneath each energy manifestation.

Without the I AM, there’s no sense of ‘this or that’, everything is just is. This Is-ness is God. Your consciousnesses God, everything is consciousness; everything is you, everything is God. But do not get hang up on the word ‘God’. God is just a description that is more or less primitive, but we can say that God is Consciousness. This way, we feel more connected to everything within and without Everything

The Old Souls And The Adepts: As it is.
In creation, God exists simultaneously within all, either consciously or unconsciously but from a Soul level there’s always a knowing and understanding of this truth. Compassion allows unity to become established as connection to the Higher Self is reached mentally. So love that is not limited and without conditions in its flexibility to merge with consciousness, knowing that all consciousness are One.

It is only the mind that finds satisfaction in the separation of consciousness; in judgment and in descriptions, categorically between what is Good and Evil. Beyond that there’s God. Even this idea of separation can only be possible through God since nothing exist outside of God. Everything has its origination from the energy which we call ‘God’.

The less we separate physically or mentally the more higher our consciousness becomes to accommodate higher realisation of existence.

The time has come for all to see the application of Godliness through inclusiveness and unconditional love for all living beings; visible and non visible. This translates into Tolerance and acceptance of all experiences internally or externally without judgment but with apprehensive and collaborative efforts, for the good of all. This is God-mindedness.

This Godly attribute is Christ consciousness.

Oneness. Unconditional love. Compassion. Forgiveness. Joy. These are the five virtues of Godliness in which all souls came to Earth to experience, albeit in the midst of duality and basic rule of free will. On one part, Earth is a training field, on the other part it is only a play. All is experienced; all is God.

Judge not.
May the joy of knowing yourself be with you always.
Eternal peace.

David Khillaveli