woensdag 29 december 2021

The Splitting of Two Worlds And The Activated Matrix Programs ~ Michelle Walling

The Splitting of Two Worlds And The Activated Matrix Programs

December 25 marked a definite shift in the separation of two worlds. In this article I will share personal examples of what that looked like in my reality. I will also describe the programs I could see running people around me.

If you feel like you just can't seem to move forward, it is because we are still in a "void" space as we walk through the astral realm while still in a physical body. For several years, probably since 2012, we "died" in our 3d body and have been re-creating our physical body and reality in order to play out the rest of the "narrative" so that we could change the outcome.

In the original reality, humanity became "assimilated" by the transhumanism agenda and the templates for the human body were destroyed, thus there was no humanity in the future. Ever since the shift into the void, it has been a bit difficult to follow our inner gut guidance or to be able to manifest what we think we should in order to get ahead in this life. In the past year, it has been increasingly difficult to do so , but especially in the last month it has been hard to make any decisions or to see the highest and best timeline.

So don't feel like you are doing something wrong, it is just where we are at this time as the narrative plays out in front of us.