zondag 12 december 2021

Rest sweet Soul, rest ~ Nicky Hamid

Rest sweet Soul, rest.

Lay down your weary mind upon the alter of your Dreams.
Lay it down and let the Divine Mother fill you with Her clarity, Her purity of Being.
Let Divine Mother in and around you infuse your every thought.

Allow your heart to be opened by the pure Essence of Love.

Let your days be steeped in this surrender and your open arms to this Clarity of Being, Knowing and Seeing.
Be still Sweet Soul. You are Home. All is well.
Breathe easy, and with Smile make your way gently in your world.
You are so Loved.
Know with confidence that All IS WELL.

I So Love You.

PS: THE ENERGIES (LOVE/LIGHT), at he moment are Very Very Strong and Accelerated. And they will be right through this month.
Some of you may well feel as though you are "drugged".
Go with it.

Above all BE in a conscious INTENTIONAL RECEIVER MODE.
BE STILL and Know that YOU ARE a mighty SOUL BEING coming into BEAUTIFUL HUMAN.
PLEASE SHARE far and wide.