dinsdag 7 december 2021

Energy Update ~ Mary Long

These moments we are going through a lot of mental and spiritual shifts.

Some days it is not easy for me either, it takes much strength to pull out of the matrix that seems to be in utter chaos, just know that whatever we are going through it makes us stronger.
Personally, I don't agree with what is occurring and it actually hits the pit of my stomach some days. It seems we are being pushed to our limits at times. But we never get overloaded except in our minds, right now our consciousness is like the weather constantly shifting back and forth as we continue to find our balance during these vibrant energetic shifts.

Many shifts are occurring within us and outside of us and it can feel like we are in a whirlwind and can really make our heads spin, especially if we even try to make since of it all. Nothing makes since and I feel that it is not suppose to and that it is up to us as a collective to come together and bring it all to balance.

It is not an easy task, we knew it wouldn't be and we volunteered to be here and yes we all look up at times and ask ourselves why. I don't know how many times I felt overwhelmed and would say beam me up Scotty, lol.

Sometimes I will even look up at the Stars and say I am not sure if I can take anymore and the Universe reply's yes you can, you are strong, you are brave and whatever you experience is by your own means to free all life from the mental slavery that this planet has been under for eons.

Believe it or not some of us created it because the energy we carry within us is from our ancestors, some may have only been incarnated here a few times but whatever blood line or family we are born into that energy is within us because in truth we are all one energetic family no matter where we have been in past lives or even lived on other planets. We are all still one in the same.
Never give up Loves, no matter how hard it may seem to be. There is always a way around whatever is being presented to us or whatever seems to hold us back.

All is for a Divine Purpose.
Stay Strong Loves, we always got this.