zaterdag 11 december 2021

Energy Update ~ Judith Kusel

So much magnificence!
So much magnificence!
So much magnificence!

The Omniscient Power of Love is entering the Sacred Rose of your heart and soul, as you remember the truth of who and what you are in truth.

The Divine is calling you by you Soul Name, the eternal name created within you, the name whuch reverberates through your soul!

It is time to stand in truth of your soul mastery, the magnificence of who you in truth are, as one with the Divine and allow your inner radiance to be as blinding as the Sun, as Divine Love pours into you and through you.

It is in the here and now.
As you read this Divine Power is sweeping through you and into you, the mighty oceans of Divinity, washing into you and out of you.

You are receiving the Blessings of Divine Blessings.

Judith Kusel
Photo: Daniel B Holeman