vrijdag 10 december 2021



There is a Calling from the Heart,
That sacred space where each will start,
To FEEL The Eternal Love once more,
That rests within the You, The All.

When we turn to the Silence of the Heart, In our chosen, waking breath, We hear and see and feel The Love, From beyond the living death. We become the illuminated Soul of Light, Within and around earthly form, Vibrations felt and seen in sight, The Soul becomes your New adorn. As Soul, beyond the cruder forms, As Soul, there’s always The Presence, We silently weave Light to the worlds, We give of The, Eternal Essence. We sowed the seeds in subtle forms, Knowing for each their day will dawn, When they surrender, and leave the old game, For the New game is NOW born. We start the New game, as Embodied Soul, God’s Presence regained within. To GIVE, create, express The Love, In Oneness of Everything. My Prayer: May Mankind’s mind, Be illuminated… By…the Heart of All Love. With Love, Amanda Lorence 9 December 2021
PS: just to help…read the poem slowly, pause, to FEEL the vibrations…