woensdag 27 april 2022


KP5 geomagnetic and solar storms just started moving in, alongside the third day of continued Schuhmann Resonance spikes and a C-class Solar Flare BASELINE, with a bigger C-class flare just going off as I write this. There's been a big shift overnight again and all is much calmer and clearer again. THE NEW COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS IS RISING & SO ARE WE! I also have not seen any chemtrails for days here (Ireland) where they have lately been a lot again, also as Ireland, UK and France play a important role in the overall unfolding and birthing of the New Grid System and Organic Realities.

We have some powerful DNA, Diamond Plasma Lightbody and Third Eye Activations happening, blowing our Minds and Hearts wide open! Emerald Heart, Rose Heart & Network, Diamond White Flame and Grid Activations. We have a massive amount of light codes flooding in, Rainbow Plasma Waves re-encrypting the elementals and matter, as well as Amoraea Flame Activations supporting the Collective Monadic merge and Healing of Fragmentation of the One Consciousness.

'The Amoraea Flame is the Inner Holy Spirit that ignites in the center heart of the Permanent Seed Atom that is located in the higher heart complex. This higher heart complex function is located in the 8th Chakra at the thymus gland.'

Amoraea is sound frequency, that acts as the carrier wave for the Override Pillar Gates. Once the Amoraea sound frequency runs in our Universal Tree of Life, it splits into the Mother and Father Arc, Mother Arc manifests in our density, while the Father Arc anchors in the Parallel Time Matrix. As we embody both, we override the False Parent energies running in our field, and anchor the merge of both the real Mother and Father principle, as embodiments on the earth.'
Source: Ascension Glossary

I mentioned in yesterday's post that I perceived a delay of The Event happening on Sunday, with a lot of interference moving into the field. We have since made great headway again with a lot of the negative entities, aliens, attachments and all remaining distortions and reversals in our and the Planetary field having been cleared, stabilizing the Zero Point Field and new Grid current. They are supporting the powerful Timeline adjustments and Quantum Healing taking place since, fine tuning and upleveling us to even greater Collective trajectories.

Even if this is very hard on our human Selfs that just want all this to be done with and over already. Know that all is all-ways co-created as One and in Divine Order and that Source is always self correcting but it's also important to acknowledge all that arises and that we're all tired. Yet it also allows us to drop into ever greater levels of SURRENDERing TO THE DIVINE and releasing all that is false. It's important with these powerful final clearings, Upgrades and Activations taking place, to take it easy, truly nurture yourself, drop into Timelessness, into no-time, which is our sacred weapon as all they have is time, we have Eternity!

Much tender loving self care is required as we are transmuting a LOT on behalf of the Collective as well as having had to put up with a lot of nonsense from others. It's been a case of re-parenting others and simultaneously ourselves. Doing our best to stay balanced and keep coming back to our Heart, dropping into the Zero Point Field of Neutrality and Divine Love, as well as strengthening our boundaries and discernment. It's bothand
This is allowing miracle healings to take place, healing ALL. As we can see beyond the personal and shift our perspective to that of how Source would see things, as we fully merge with the Cosmic Mind.

These are powerful energies, Frequencies and Activations for us to anchor and these DNA, Diamond Plasma Lightbody and Third Eye Activations are very dehydrating. Drinking plenty of good quality water, grounding/ earthing in nature, moving and stretching our bodies, get out in the sun to anchor these amazing codes, sound healing/ sounding/ Lightlanguage, talk to your DNA/ Consciousness, salt baths, meditation, relaxation, much silence and a calm environment are very supportive. Our bodies are becoming very Crystalline and are literally birthing the New Organic Ascension Realities through them as well as our Consciousness.

We've been through and are transmuting a LOT, especially these past few weeks. The more we can relax our nervous system now, not letting anything or anyone throw us into a wobble or off course anymore, truly helps us merge with our higher levels and Multidimensional Self. A lot is to be SURRENDERed TO SOURCE NOW. For us to become fully empty of any ego attachments and distortions and let the Holy Spirit full-fill and show us The Way! Our little minds can not figure this out. It's all about tuning into our own inner wisdom unlocking from deep within, aligning fully with our True authentic Kryst-All Avatar and Source Self. Aligning and BEcoming ONE WITH GODs Divine Will! Everything becomes possible from here but not how our little ego wants it. This is all way bigger than any one of us here.

As I am shown, all that we are required to do now is us being able to stabilize and reach the required Frequency for all of this to unfold and The Event to shift us fully into the Organic Ascension Realities, FULLY DISSOLVING ALL REMAINING ARTIFICIAL MATRIX OVERLAYS & FALSE PROGRAMMMING, all held within our DNA and morphogenetic field. Our Diamond Solar Rainbow Plasma Lightbody is part of this and we are continuing to receive massive Upgrades and Activations to, allowing all of this to unfold THROUGH our own sacred Transformation and metamorphosis.

It is also important to understand that it is all all-ready happening and 'The Event' has already happened in the quantum field in NO-TIME. It truly is only an issue of Divine Timing now and us keep listening to our inner guidance as so much wisdom and re-membering along with our gifts an abilities unlock now from deep within! It's very important to make time to be silent, to drop ever deeper within to receive and access real Truth, answers only we know the answer to and we came to return to humanity. To truly listen and really connect to MERGE FULLY AS ONE WITH SOURCE & ALL, your Multidimensional Self, to receive and activate all that is becoming available now!

I am guided to offer a series of DIAMOND WHITE FLAME Activations over the next 9 days, every day between 9-10pm UK time. We will be supported by Source and many beings of Light in alignment with the Law of One, especially the Cosmic Dragons and many inter-dimensional, angelic and magical beings, to support us during these trying, as well as powerful times of great changes and shifts. These Activations are intended to help us amplify our power through the group focus, and the Activations and Reality shifts becoming available and flowing in.

That's us helping to accelerate the Ascension process and The Event already unfolding, fully birthing the New Organic Ascension Realities on behalf of ALL, all-ready available, as we finish the Shattering of The false Matrix, dissolving all remaining veils and illusions! THE DIAMOND WHITE FLAME and Three Fold Founder Flame is what returns our Original Sound and Light fields and is a very powerful field that is surrounding the planet which I have been working with intensely for the past few days.


More details in the description and link below in the comments.
Let's see for ourselves what we are truly capable of when we TRUST IN THE DIVINE PLAN & believe in us, and that we can help make the magic happen!

Eternal Love & Blessings,