woensdag 18 augustus 2021

Sacred Heart ~ Nicky Hamid

Sacred Heart

Oh yes. Less is more. No more "trying".
Life with the ease that Trust in who You are brings.
You cannot understand with your mind so surrender to the inner Knowing, the Knowing in the feeling of "rightness".

You are learning to "see" with the new eyes of the open heart.
You ask what will tomorrow bring.

It really is up to you. There is Heart, the heart of the Cosmos, the heart of You, and the Heart of God.

Sacred Heart is pulsing great waves of Love unceasingly, and at this time at far greater amplitude than we have ever felt in physical form. The Heart of the Sun, and of Gaia is open to receive and the only choice you and I need to make is whether we are open to receive this Love, the LOVE THAT YOU ARE.

Can you at last accept how absolutely loved and Lovable you are Now.
Can you feel how Divine , Sacred and Precious You are? Are you open to receive It All.
Can you allow the ease of Being, and “ecstatic warmth” of the eternal embrace? Are you able to accept, with no reservation or doubt, the completeness of This Love of Divine Cosmic Heart?

This is the door you have been searching for to open, the portal of your own Heart.
Can you now at last open your own heart and receive in fullness the return touch you have called for over the long dream sequence in duality.

Now, in freedom, it is time to receive and in the receiving play with and explore, completely unabashed, the myriads of ways you can express your joy, your confidence, your trust and your creative impulses in action. How being Loved begets love, how the receiver is the giver, the Light receiver is the lighthouse is the lightweaver, and how the Loved is Love, is the Lover.

And so dear Brothers and Sisters.
What to do now in 2021 and on?

Take in consciously all the Love you can until you know this Love of Sacred Heart to be the ever expanding reality of who You are and the essence of your Oneness with All That Is.
Explore, experiment, enjoy and have fun. It is the time to rediscover your powers to create and it is your openness to be Loved as well as to Love, which will be your passport.
WE Shine

I So Love You

PS: Have you thought that it may be as much about you receiving your Love, as it is about giving NOW. Take the WWW of Love. It grows exponentially as we take in the Love as much as when we share, for it is in the conscious use of Source and resource that it expands.
The whole idea of the "selfish" human is to be expunged from our thinking. We are not like that. It is a simple "unkind lie" of the old paradigm.

Remove that seed of doubt about yourself as anything but Limitless Possibility. As the Love of God (Source), as Divine, there is not an unkind "bone" in your body.