dinsdag 31 augustus 2021

Energy Update ~ Sparks of Divine LightHealing

Expect the energies to climb even more over the next few days.

We can expect the Geomagnetic Storms to amp up September 1st and 2nd. We are seeing a lot of smaller solar flares that may lead up to a bigger explosion. We are seeing the ascension symptoms increase. A lot of people are experiencing some form of light body flu as they adjust to the large influx of energies and the changing of the frequencies. It’s the last day of August.

This is the time to clear anything before stepping into the new energy of September. September kicks off with us still in Virgo Season. We are also in the last part of the Summer. September 6th we have a Virgo New Moon.

This New Moon will bring a major climax. It’s going to be assisting us with clearing limiting beliefs. Things blocking us from stepping fully into our power on a mental level. We should be using the rest of Virgo Season and these energies to continue to clear things.

You can really use these solar energies to get organised. This Virgo Energy is all about your health and your body. September will bring some big shifts, as the Universe is encouraging you to go deeper into your healing. It’s a great time to do that healing you have been putting off or to start some new vitamins.

This month brings the 9:9 Portal. This years 9:9 Portal will be bringing some extra powerful energies and light codes. September also brings us the Harvest Moon, the Autumn Equinox and the start to Libra Season. We also have the last Mercury Retrograde of the year on September 27th. September is also going to bring us a lot of Andromedan Energies, and is one of the best times to see the Andromeda Galaxy.

September also kicks off another Northern Lights Season. Expect some amazing auroras over the next couple of months. September will prepare us for the energetic changes coming to us in October. October is going to bring some huge cosmic shifts. We are going to see some beautiful Meteor Showers next month from the Draconids Meteor Shower and the Orionids Meteor Shower.