zaterdag 28 augustus 2021

Energy Update ~ divinefeminine7777

As you might have felt in the last days, there was a feeling of nothingness, emptiness, void. The energy calmed down after the full moon, we had time to integrate the shifts but there was this feeling, like we were waiting for something and we didn’t know what or when that will happen.

A change, a shift in the energies. And the wait is over. A lot of high frequency energy is entering our planetary system for several hours now and as it feels like, it will continue.
As we are creating a new blueprint for this planet, the society, our lives, the energy of creation is here to help us, guide us further.

I had a vision of the old matrix being present more than ever, watching over us, lurking, looking at our progress.

No one or nothing can stop the natural process of ascension. Everything is changing.
The higher our frequency, the higher the frequency of the planet and vice versa.
We are mirrors. If you are triggered in these days of high frequency energy influx, it means there is more within that is ready to be cleared.
Go within, follow the guidance of your soul and do what feels right for you.

Be aware that the collective energy is heavy and it might pull you down, if you don’t ground and clear yourself. You might feel the ascension symptoms, as is always happens with a powerful light influx.

Pressure in the body, tingling under the skin, feeling unusually cold or hot or both, itchy skin, blocked nose, sinuses, throat issues, Vertigo, nausea, not being able to sleep, not being hungry or wanting to eat everything.

Stay present, don’t act or react when triggered, focus on self love and nurture yourself.
