I feel its important to share this and with what comes in October i really hope this is heard and understood ::hugs::
I am not your source for anything, you are your source for everything, I am simply a fellow traveler sharing wisdom i've gained on my travels, i may be ahead of you in some spaces and more skilled in others, but the same goes for you in other spaces and skills we are all born perfectly imperfect and this path allows us to become whole but "this path" is not through me its through you, many people ask me what religion
I'm part of and i say "the religion of Jason" i am the only member and there is a sign on the door that says keep out members only. i really hope you take note of this message today as it so important to self source then play and find more who are being the same that process is how you build true community and its what leads you right back into you so you can expand as you, for those who seek to belong stop and look inward, for those who seek validation you are more then enough for yourself, for those who want to play come on down we can have some fun
I love all those who dare to travel the earth game, and i look forward to seeing us rise together but we cant do this if we are not self sourcing