This full moon is going to be powerful
I know, I know what we are going through energetically has been keeping us on our toes. Wave after wave after wave with only 12-24 hour breaks. I'm going, to be honest, I don't remember so much intensity lasting that long before. This has to be the longest Light transmission recorded on earth! This confirms what the Angels said a few days ago about going through a massive energy portal, they said: "towards the end of September you will have shifted".
I know, I know what we are going through energetically has been keeping us on our toes. Wave after wave after wave with only 12-24 hour breaks. I'm going, to be honest, I don't remember so much intensity lasting that long before. This has to be the longest Light transmission recorded on earth! This confirms what the Angels said a few days ago about going through a massive energy portal, they said: "towards the end of September you will have shifted".
Which brings us to this full moon.
September 14 Is this full moon and it's very close to the Earth, sharing its energy transmissions with us more intensely. The moon is that thoughts manifest more rapidly. As we return to our "creator" powers this is the time to take control of our life setting intentions and visualizing life as we want it to be. If those intentions and thoughts are in alignment with our path and greatest good, then they triple in manifestation speed.
This full moon returns us to our innate gift of being in control. Yes it's possible, yes you have been doing it for so long unconsciously, now it's the time to be more aware, to use your powers to bring more goodness not only in your life but in the world.
There is a 3-5 day window from and to the new moon, where the energies are more powerful. You are going through this window now so light a candle, do a 10 minute meditation to clear your mind and then sit to write down all that you want to see manifest. Let it be an emotion, an achievement, a goal, a purpose, a gift. Just write it down and pause for 5 minutes for each one feeling the emotion, seeing it come to life. Send your intentions to the universe but remember: Do this for the highest and greatest good. Do not create based on ego.
And remember: Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it!