dinsdag 20 juni 2023


The Schumann Resonance is back to its normal markings today, so far.
I have noticed there is a lot of misconceptions out there about the Schumann Resonance and how it works.
We have monitoring stations all around the world that capture the heartbeat of the earth in that area and report it back to the Schumann Resonance main office in Tomsk.
Each minute on the Schuman is noted as an average of all those monitoring positions around the world.
Each individual monitoring station shows the levels of the Schuman in just that one area.
But when you average the world, like the main graph I always share, you get the true picture of what is happening globally.
If you go to just one area, like the Italian Schumann, you are only seeing what is happening at that one monitoring station.
Which is wonderful if you're in Italy, but if you're in California, not so much.
It's exciting to visual see the Love Wave energies represented on the Schumann Resonance!
Those energies are within you now, you're energetically soaking in them.

Opening up your energy and expanding your true knowings, abilities and understandings.
More are coming this week as well to layer in to what is already here.
This is not a one time event, they will continue every few days.
Starting tomorrow with the Solstice.

The difference is now you are ready for them, in every way. Your system is primed.
Today, we have more solar weather, and high-speed streams of winds are flowing over the sun's Coronal Holes and into the planet.
The solar winds pick up everything from Flux energies to transient plasma and moves it into our atmosphere.

Expect to feel those energies as your day goes on, but with less big symptoms and more Bliss energies.
Whatever you're feeling in the energies is just what is needed for you at this time.
Everything you need now is within you. Look inside for your answers, they are all there.

It truly is a magical time.
Much love and light,