donderdag 22 juni 2023

369 code of Love ~ Morgan Lee

I have never read anything on Tesla, but I am personally being shown that the 369 frequency of Love, “is the power of creation itself” and that when we align with these codes, our abilities to be able to manifest will be extraordinary.
That we are currently reconfiguring, this code from the core of our beings, to align with the frequency of creation.
With the Golden child frequency birthed collectively and personally during this Solstice period, we now have full access to this frequency. These codes and the frequency of the Golden child in all of us, as well as the new norm upon the planet for humanity are another game changer.
And it, the Golden Child represents the 6 of he 369 code of Love.

In March, the "3" frequency of the Divine Feminine, was embodied and then anchored into the grid and is available for each one of us to have access to and now with the Golden child anchored and embodied into the grid, we also have access now, to this coding and frequency too.
From March through to June, we really began to experience or observe, the feminine, predominantly via the females, really begin to come out, speak up, show up, own more of her own power, take the lead in her own life, find her voice etc. etc.
The Golden child offers codes of innocence, honesty, imagination, magic, miracles, curiosity, fun, joy, unconditional love, caring, loyalty, compassion, reliance, trust, emotional, open, authenticity, creativity, fearlessness, etc., just to name a few The Golden child is also the best parts or highest frequencies of the divine feminine and the divine masculine.
Somehow the anchoring of this essence, the Golden child, created a path, opened a doorway or simply freedom now, for the sacred masculine, in us all, to begin, its alignment.
How will this essence of self show up, in the coming weeks or months and what role will it play in the dismantling of the distorted programs in the human self.
Although these 2 parts are now anchored, by no means, does it mean that we are ascended, or finished with our work. These two parts will not operate fully until the masculine, is fully on board.
And the true trinified alignment , the three merged as one are embodied and anchored into the collective as new codes and frequencies of the New Earth Grid, we have all been building.
Basically we have our connection to our Divine Feminine, and Golden Child to assist, with the arrival of the Divine Masculine codes and frequencies that will be anchored and embodied personally and then fully anchored collectively in September.
Many of us, already feeling or tuning impending arrival of the divine and sacred masculine. Moving towards and preparing for the three parts to be, united as One.
We will be put to work again, clearing, transmuting, surrendering, letting go, purging all programs of the masculine distortions in service to self and humanity of rebirthing, the sacred and divine codes of the masculine. Each part we do, creating space for the new frequencies as we release final programs of separation in self, becoming truly one with self.
I am told that from around the 21st September, through to the 21st December, will be a practice period of who we will be as Trinified, whole humans, being as One, within self as well as how this works in the Unified state of Oneness.
With each one becoming the creator self, in the unified state of Oneness, consciously creating, our new Creation.