maandag 15 mei 2023



If this sounds like how you've been feeling, it could be because the matrix that we've lived with all of our lives is failing.
As it begins to fail, it is beginning to disconnect those of us who are of a higher vibration.
That disconnection can feel very unsettling, unsure, and unstable. It can even cause anxiety and depression within the body.

Your body system is being systematically removed from the foundation it has lived upon its whole existence.
Even though we want the matrix to fall fully, there may be some bumps along the way.
The more empathetic you are, the stronger you may feel this.

Then, add to that disconnect the 3d humans. They are feeling it as well, and to them, it can feel like their whole life is suddenly out of wack, as if they're seeing themselves for the first time.
Those energies are surging through the energy fields all around YOU.
All of this began last Friday and has been growing all weekend.
It's a wonderful thing, but as many things are in this mission, moving through big events can be hard on you.

As these emotions come into your field, try to see if it's yours by finding an event in your life the emotions could be coming from.
If there is nothing, then it's not yours. So allow it to flow through you and out.
I highly recommend wrapping yourself in Source light. Every bit of you wrapped in a high vibrational ball of love.

Or call in AA Michael and ask him to wrap you in his blue light of protection.
Whatever works best for you, but this protection is suggested to be needed now until we move forward and use consistently.
I wanted to share this with you because sometimes knowing what's happening makes it easier.

It's not affecting all Lightworkers the same way. Some have disconnected themselves long ago and are observing all of this happening.
Whatever you are feeling, know that it's unique to you. Like every step on your ascension journey has been unique to you.
There is no right or wrong way of feeling, only YOUR way.

Much love and light,